See You Soon

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     "Call me if you get in any trouble, I'll be over here stat to take some names." Chase told Juliet as she climbed out of the shotgun seat of Chase's car.

      "Sure, thing sis," Juliet finger-gunned awkwardly back at her.

     Chase's face broke into a proud grin, "That's my girl."

     "Hang on Jules!" I called, popping open the door and running to catch up with her on the street.

     She turned on her heels as I stood in front of her, "yeah?"

     "Okay I realize I could probably wait but I just wanted to say sorry for all the trashy things I did after we broke up. I realize I probably didn't handle that as well as I could of."

     Juliet blinked, "you didn't handle it well? Gwen, I had seven other girls I was cheating on. I was a disaster of unnatural proportions. I was like... like the biblical flood of disasters."

     I snorted, "Point made. God, I can believe you were really dating eight girls at one point. How was that even possible? You're like..."

     "A really gay octopus." Juliet offered, smirking, "I've secretly got eight pairs of lips."

     I couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah, here let me walk you to the door at least."

     We laughed and joked as we walked, with the afternoon sun hitting our back and setting our hearts ablaze. I watched Juliet skip up to the front door with her duffle bag and ring the doorbell. She turned back and waved at me.

     "See you soon if I can," she said, "Thanks for everything."

     "See you Jules," I waved.

     Then I turned back towards Chase's car and back into the waiting arms and lips of my girlfriend. Back to my significantly more stable life, back to my senior year of high school, back to growing up and growing old and being around people who I love and love me. No matter what happened when she walked into her house, things would be okay. We could go back to loving and cherishing each other, enjoying summer, and worrying about the things we should be worrying about as kids. Back to the wonderful washing machine-tumble of emotions and events we call life.


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