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SWAEG^DWARFY : Produce 48 is such a tragic program. It brings back old memories from Idol School! I know Gyuri eonnie should be here with us as a group but still! It's so sad being eliminated and saying your farewell to all the trainees you've been together since the start.

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 : Stop being sentimental Seoyeon! It doesn't suit you! 😂

SWAEG^DWARFY : Yes! I know! But still! 😑😑

CUTIE-PIE101 : Seoyeon eonnie! Aren't you happy that appa is back?

SWAEG^DWARFY : I am but it's so tragic! 😔😔

CUTIE-PIE101 : Well! Get a hold of yourself eonnie! Appa will be going home later.

SWAEG^DWARFY : I am doing it! *le holds herself* But still it doesn't have effect.

CUTIE-PIE101 : I didn't mean it like that eonnie. I mean fix yourself physically and mentally! Whoo! Who are you eonnie?! Our maknaengi?

SWAEG^DWARFY : Okay! Stop being savage!

CUTIE-PIE101 : I am not!

EOMMA♡APPA : Jiheon-a, is it true that your appa will come home today?

CUTIE-PIE101 : Ne eomma!

EOMMA♡APPA : Then maybe I will cook her favorite food because I know he will be coming home crying. Maybe the food will cheer her up even if it's only for a short time.

CUTIE-PIE101 : She will definitely feel better eomma~ 😊 Your cookings always cheer us up whenever we are down.

EOMMA♡APPA : Really??

CUTIE-PIE101 : Yupp!! Start cooking now eomma! Appa chatted me she's on the way!

EOMMA♡APPA : Okay~ Thanks Ddal!(딸)[Daughter]

APPA^_^GAEJOOKIE : I'm on my way babies!

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 : Well I'm not your baby!

HA27BBANG : Me too!

THE-GIANT_ONE, SWAEG^DWARFY, DWARF¥MEGAN, PRETTY*WOMAN, CUTIE-PIE101 : Have a safe trip appa! We miss you!

APPA^_^GAEJOOKIE : I will! Bye! See you at the dorm!

EVERYONE (except Jisun because she is cooking) : See you too! 😘😘

A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter.

8월 28일 2018년

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