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Swaeg•~•Panda : Yow everyone! I am actually bored, can someone fetch me here?

Kkkkkkromsaeee : We can't baby panda ㅠ.ㅠ you know, we're all in quarantine, right?

Swaeg•~•Panda : Yes, I know Romsae, it's just that I miss being with you guys ㅠ.ㅠ

Kkkkkkromsaeee : I know baby, but hey! On the bright side we still have only a few days left!

Hanyang : Don't be sad now Syeonnie~ everything's going to be alright soon!

General : Syeonnie~ helloooooo! How are you there? I know you're bored but please hang on! Just a few days more and we'll be together again!

MeganPhone : Aw~ our Syeonnie is bored 🥺 Come to me when you comeback home okay?

Swaeg•~•Panda : I'll sure do, but I'll go to Romsae first, hehe!

Kkkkkkromsaeee : Yah!! Don't be like that Seoyeon-ah ㅠ.ㅠ You might get scolded from your mom, you know?

Swaeg•~•Panda : Ah, right! Sorry eonnie! Anyways, where is everyone? Seems like we're the only ones online?

MeganPhone : Oh yeah, about that. They must still be sleeping. You know how we are so bored right now because of this quarantine!

Swaeg•~•Panda : Right, I'm sorry I've caused you all trouble! I feel so bad honestly. ㅠ.ㅠ

General : Hey you, don't be sorry. No one wanted this to happen, it's not your fault okay? You just weren't taking care of yourself that is why it got you. Hing~

Kkkkkkromsaeee : Gyul's right Syeon-ah, it's not your fault that's why you should stop blaming yourself, okay?

Hanyang : You should listen to what they said Syeonnie, okay?

MeganPhone : And Seoyeon, you should get some rest now. You need that really.

Swaeg•~•Panda : I will eonnie-deul! I'll get some rest now and you should too, okay?

General, Kkkkkkromsaeee, Hanyang & MeganPhone reacted ♥️ to Swaeg•~•Panda's message

Everyone went offline

A/N: I know this is late but this was set to be released when our Syeonnie got the virus but then I forgot about it so here I am revising it at 12AM in the morning.

Hope you like the update, I will be back soon with another update, sooner or later!

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