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APPA^_^GAEJOOKIE: Hey guys! How's your day. And by the way where's Chaeyoung? Her teacher said she didn't attend class and also Jiheon. 😡😡

EOMMA♡APPA: We're fine eonnie. But i can't even think that will not attend their classes.

SWAEG^DWARFY: Well the first thing I do when I woke up in the morning is to check on Chaeyoung if she is there or not. But she wasn't there so I thought she went to school.

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07: WHAT?! They didn't go to school?! Yah! Jiheon! Chaeyoung!

HA27BBANG: You two really! You go home now or I'ma spank you hard!

DWARF¥MEGAN: Gyuri eonnie. Looks like there was someone who's going to take your "APPA" title.

Jiwon laughed hard that the whole dorm became noisy because of it.

"Yah! Stop it! Jiwon!" Gyuri shouted not so loud because their rooms are just beside each other.

"I'm sorry eonnie." Jiwon said causing the whole dorm to laugh because of her.

CUTIE-PIE101: I'm sorry eonnies if I didn't tell you earlier that we didn't go to school because we needed to do something important.

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07: It's okay. As long as you can't skip classes without telling us. But didn't I told you to tell me if you aren't going to school so I can tell your teachers?

CUTIE-PIE101: I'm sorry eonnie. We won't do it again.

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07: It's okay.

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07: Guys! Group meeting. Right now. N.O.W Right now!

Saerom went downstairs followed by Seoyeon and Nakyung.

"Guys! What do you think is the reason why they didn't attend their classes?" Saerom asked.

"Maybe there is a reason where only the two of them should know." Jiwon said.

"Or maybe there was a reason only them should know." Hayoung said causing Gyuri to smack her head.

"Ah! What the!" Hayoung said while wincing in pain.

"I thought I can control it but you just repeated what Jiwon said. You just rephrased it." Gyuri said glaring at Hayoung but she didn't know that Saerom is also glaring at her.

"Yah! Gyuri! She is still older than you! You shouldn't have done that!" Saerom said. More like protecting the love of her life.

"It's okay as long as you don't do it again." Hayoung said

"I'm sorry. But I won't promise anything." Gyuri said.

"But eonnie-deul, what do you think is the reason that they need to skip classes?" Seoyeon the panda-looking girl said.

"Maybe they were just planning something that we shouldn't know or something important that they needed to do without our help?" Jisun said.

"But I feel something not right with it. With what Jiheon and Chaeyoung did. They are not like that though. Maybe there was something wrong with their school or something I wouldn't name of." Said the silent girl Nakyung.

"I don't think now is the right time to say that eonnie." Said someone from the door which resulted for the members to look at where the voice came.

"Jiheon-ah! Where have you been?" The captain said.

"By the way, Jiheon-ah where is Chaeyoung?" Jiwon asked looking behind Jiheon hoping for the tall girl to pop out.

Jiheon wiped the tears falling from her eyes but didn't make it obvious but someone was eyeing her from the start so she isn't safe from not making it obvious because of that particular girl.

"Jiheon, where is Chaeyoung? Are you gonna say where she is?" Hayoung said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Uhhh. About that eonnie. Chaeyoung eonnie is at the hospital. And she is spending the night there." Jiheon said looking down feeling guilty.

"WHAT?!" All of them shrieked.

A/N: For real, the actual draft got lost and I have to rethink of what I put in there. Although it is not as beatiful as the last one I really tried my best to make it more interesting.

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