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SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed the nickname for HA27BBANG to Hanyang

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed the nickname for APPA^_^GAEJOOKIE to General

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed the nickname for DWARF¥MEGAN to MeganPhone

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed the nickname for EOMMA♡APPA to Center

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed the nickname for SWAEG^DWARF¥ to Swaeg•~•Panda

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed the nickname for THE-GIANT_ONE to HaemChiii

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed the nickname for PRETTY*WOMAN to Cutieee>-<

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed the nickname for CUTIE-PIE101 to MaknaeOnTop

SEXY_ROMSAEEE07 changed her nickname to Kkkkkromsaeee

Kkkkkromsaeee : Hey there everyone! I changed our nicknames into more normal ones. I just realized the author gave complex nicknames for us.

HaemChiii : Hey there captain! Well I agree with you! ;)

Swaeg•~•Panda : Yes I also agree with you. And I like my nickname more than before.


Cutieee>-< : Because it's true! And I like my nickname Romsae!

Hanyang : Oh hi! And also am I really the Vice Captain?

General : Oh yes you are! Why you always forgetting things.

Hanyang : Oh is that so? My bad! Sorry for that!

MeganPhone : I don't like my nickname Romsaeeee~ I know I'm loud but ㅠ.ㅠ

Kkkkkromsaeee : You're welcome Megan!

Center : Hihi! Thanks Romsae!

MeganPhone : Uh~ Can someone cook or order breakfast? I'm getting a little hungry.

Cutieee>-< : You can order yourself a food okay?

Haemchiii : Megan! Order me some beef tartare okay? I'll just pay later. Thanks! And don't order rice for me!

Hanyang : Yow! Megan! Order me something like Chaeng's! Thanks!

General : Order your foods. I know Jiheon and I will just cook our foods.

General went offline

MeganPhone : I've done it!

Haemchiii : Thanks!

Hanyang : You're the best! Well maybe not! Thank youuuu!

Haemchiii, Hanyang and MeganPhone went offline

Kkkkkromsaeee : I'm heading to the gym everyone! I'll just eat later.

Center : Well me too eonnie! Wait for me. Let's go together.

Kkkkkromsaeee : Okaaaaay~ just be fast. I'm getting late you know?

Center♡♡♡ :  Yep! Noted eonnie! 5 minutes!

Center♡♡♡ and Kkkkkromsaeee went offline

Swaeg•~•Panda : Seoyeonie's hungry too Nakko! Order me some food~ hihi

Cutieee>-< : 'Kay fine! What do you want? >~<

Swaeg•~•Panda : Yey! Thanks Nakko! I love you!

Cutieee>-< : I love you too! Now what do you want?

Swaeg•~•Panda : You know what I want ;)

Cutieee>-< : No I don't so now tell me!

Swaeg•~•Panda : I want youuuu😘

Cutiee>-< : Shut up and tell me what you really want!

Swaeg•~•Panda : I really want you though. But, oh well. I want some chicken! Thanks!

Cutieee>-< : Ordered it!

MaknaeOnTop : Oh please! I'm trying to read webtoon here! You're disturbing me~ T~T

Cutieee>-< : Hehe! We're sorry maknae! We'll shut up~ I love youuuuu

MaknaeOnTop : I love you too eonnie now put it out. Bye!

Cutieee>-< : Bye!

everyone went offline

A/N : Have you seen the channel nine they released not long ago? It was funny! I got this idea from there! Enjoy reading!

Oh! And don't forget to vote and recommend the book to your friends! Sorry for being shameless!

P.s: I've edited their nicknames because I think their too long😅sorry if I confuse you hehe

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