Chapter 9: Disses

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We arrived at the mall about ten minutes later and walked hand in hand through the entrance and to where we were meeting Harry and Chloe. Zayn took ahold of my hand as he intertwined our fingers. We reached the place and looked around. We were about to give up when I saw a mop of curls followed by a distinct laugh which I could easily recognise.

"Well you sure took your time" Zayn said with a slight smile.

"Yeah well we just coming here when this grumpy man and harry started an argument which turned out to become a full on battle with lame jokes" Chloe laughed.

"Hey! They're not that bad!" Harry explained.

"Really harry? Not even the chicken crossed the road one?" Clo smirked and harry went red while we all just laughed.

"Ok ok enough of your chit chattering! Let's shop" I exclaimed.

Our first stop was pull and bear where Zayn bought masses while I just got a pair of shorts and a bracelet. Zayn and Harry were left outside when me and Clo dragged ourselves into Claire's while the guys groaned. We ended up getting a bff necklace. We also bought four matching bracelets. 2 for us and 2 guy ones for the guys. We were walking when Zayn and Harry said they had to go to the apple store because Harry needed a new iPad case. Clo told them weed be in the opposite shop. I looked at the board which said Victoria's Secret and instantly gave Clo a 'are you serious' look. She just shrugged with a laugh and dragged me in. After a few minutes she had a handful of lingerie and went to try them on while I still didn't know where to start. I saw Harry walking into the fitting rooms cringing at the thought of why... ;)

I was about to give up when someone pushed a set into my arms. I looked up to see Zayn smirking at me.

"I think it would look good on you" He winked. He did not just. Do my bra shopping for me. Oh lord. I looked down to find an incredible two piece which was white and laced. I loved it already. I ignored the cocky smirk my bastard of a boyfriend was giving me and walked to the till. I paid and me and Zayn exited together finding Haz and Clo outside waiting for us.

"You didn't get anything?" I gestured to Clo.

"Oh we both got something, but more interesting." Harry winked. Eww

"Ok you guys have to keep your sex life private cause it's making me cringe." I laughed. Clo went as red as hell. "Clo awe come one you don't have to be shy". I laughed harder while she internally groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. No one should be shy! Speaking of that, how far have you guys taken things?" Harry questioned Zayn. I nervously looked at him but he looked as comfortable as ever.

"We haven't really..." I butted in.

This was a topic me and Zayn had never talked about. Or haven't yet. I know that I'm not ready. Yet. Is Zayn a virgin? Does he want to? I looked at him as he jut gazed around the mall as if nothing was awkward.

"Awkward.." Harry sung. I glared at him as Zayn snapped his head towards us.

"Well at least we have better things to do unlike you... Who do nothing but bang all day long." Zayn teased. Clo was as bright as a fully ripe tomato while I stifled a laugh.

"At least I can get some." Harry smirked.

"For your information, we can both easily get some. It's just not the time yet." Zayn glared all serious now. I'm so lucky I don't go red quickly.

"Whatever. Can we please just stop talking about this?" Chloe pleaded and we laughed. I liked this. A couple of friends teasing each other playfully.

We said our goodbyes and Clo said she'll meet me at home. Haz said the same to Zayn. Me and Zayn walked hand in hand to his car and he opened the booth so we could put our stuff in there. We got in and I kept quiet. There was still awkwardness looming in the air.

"You hungry?" He asked and I nodded.

We arrived at a small Italian restaurant which I found so adorable. The waiter came up to us.

"Vat voud you like zu eat?" Me and Zayn looks at each other holding in our laughs. I couldn't speak as I would burst out, so he ordered for me. As soon as the waiter left we burst out into a fit of contagious laughter. I swear Zayns laugh was the most amazing sound in this world.

"What?" He questioned. I just shook my head. He leant forward, "tell me".

"I-I um it was just thinking how much I like your laugh." And he laughed again which instantly put a smile on my face.

Our food came quickly and we finished it off with small talk. After I paid. (Yep I won that argument!) We left. Instead of going to the car, Zayn lead me away. We came to a soft flowing river. We sat down on the grass.

"So" he started. "I figured we should talk about what happened back at the mall." Oh "I mean you seemed a little off? Since then."

"Oh yeah. I'm not off. I'm just a little confused."

"What about?"

"Well um-I uhhh um.. Are you a virgin?" I questioned full on embarrassed. He stiffened.

"Truthfully, no I'm not." Oh. He noticed my puzzles look and lifted my chin up. "Hey. Is that ok?"

"Yeah yeah. It's just that. Zayn I don't think I'm ready for sex. I'm sorry. I just." I buried my face into my hands but he removed them and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey don't worry. You don't have to worry about small things like this... I've already thought about it. Of course I'll wait for you. I will never pressure you into it. Okay?" I nodded and he kissed my nose.

"Okay". I smiled. We stayed like that for a few moments before a sudden wind came up. "We should get going". I said.

"Yeah we should". He smiled. He held his hand out for me as I grabbed it. Trying to be playful he pulled me up with a lot of force. I stumbled over towards him and he caught me. I looked up at him and our noses were brushed. I felt something I never had. We continued gazing into each other's eyes until an 'ehmm' was heard and we both immediately pulled away.

"You guys might wanna leave. It's not safe and I don't want to deal with another outrun." A short policeman said.

"Yeah it's cool. We were just leaving..." I spoke up. He looked at me and then turned his eyes to Zayn and his face instantly grew an enormous smile.

"Zayn??" He questioned and Zayn looked up. His eyes immediately grew wide.

"Chase?! Long time no see" they instantly hugged each other. Am I missing something? I was introduced and after 10 minutes of their constant banter, we finally left in silence. He dropped me to my door and kissed my nose softly.

"How do you know Chase?" I questioned and he instantly froze. His eyes grew dark and he slammed my door.

"Goodnight Emily." He snapped. I was just left on the pavement confused of the event which occurred seconds ago.

"What is he happened to him all of a sudden? What is the reason that got him so angry?" I whispered to myself.

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