Chapter 11: Misunderstandings

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I woke up to the loud chirping of birds. I found myself on the floor with Niall and Hannah not too far away. My head hurt like a bitch. I looked around to see beer bottles and pizza everywhere. Where did the pizza even come from? Last night was fun though. 3 friends having the time of their lives.

I jerked as the front door slammed and turned to find a very angry looking Zayn staring back at me. So now he comes home? And he's drunk. I can smell it from here.

"What the fuck I this Emily?!" He boomed.

"Za-ay-n. Me, Niall and Han-" I stuttered.

"I don't actually care!" He shouted

"Zayn calm down. You're drunk. Please stop shouting."

"Calm down? Calm down? How do I calm down when my girlfriend is fucking someone else?!"

"What?? Zayn what the hell are you talk-"

"Don't bullshit. I heard you continuously calling his name! Remember when you called me last night?! Who the fuck is Kyle!?" I cringed. Oh my god. He thinks. How can he? I let a tear slip out. "Don't think that you can make me forget this if you fake being sad." That hurt. I know he's drunk. He'll regret this. "Thinking about Kyle? Why don't you call him? I'd love to meet this piece of shit!"

"SHUT UP!!" I screamed and he looked shocked at my sudden out burst. "You don't anything! You just assume things! You know what?! You can go rot! How dare you say that I'm cheating! How dare you accuse me? In fact how do I know you weren't fucking some whore last night?! You were no where to be found! And then you come back drunk?! I was here all night with Niall and Hannah. So who do you think you are accusing me of cheating with Ky-" I stopped myself. I was crying now. He doesn't know anything! I ran to the door and slammed it shut as I felt the cold breeze hit my face. I sprinted to my door and then to my room collapsing on my bed and bawling my eyes out.

Why would he? He doesn't know anything! I know he was drunk but seriously...

Zayns POV

My head pounded as my eyes snapped open. I looked at the clock which read 4pm. What the hell? What the hell happened last night? Oh yeah, Chase happened. I hate that bastard. The way he is forcing me to hang out with them or else. Ugh I can't even think about it.

Suddenly flashbacks of this morning appeared. Shit. Emily. What the hell? Who is Kyle? I remember her sudden outburst. But she would only get that defensive if something was going on... Right?! Chase spiked my drink. I know it. I only had 2 beers. I couldn't have been that drunk. I want to sort this out. But who is Kyle? I know for a fact that she called me and started mumbling his name. Why would she do that? Ahh fuck my head hurts. I needed a panadol.

I walked out to be greeted by Niall. He gave me a distant look. But I remember him being here this morning with some Hannah girlfriend of his...

He started to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

"What?" He snapped. Woah a change for Niall.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"You fucked up Zayn. You accused her of nothing. She was here all night. And the reason was she came looking for you but you were off drinking your ass off not caring a bit about her." He whisper shouted.

"I was drunk and it wasn't my fault".

"Whatever, but you really hurt her." With that he walked off.

I groaned and felt dizzy. I'll sort this out later. I slowly walked back up the stairs and into my room crashing straight onto my bed.

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