Devasena (the warrior princess)

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The Kinjal Rajya(state) had a ritual,after the kid is born he is blessed by the grandfather.Devasena had asked Kattappa to do the same.So Kattappa was now the God grandfather of Mahendra Bahubali.

That day at night when everybody was sleeping,Shivgami and Devasena woke up."We will have to escape from this palace".said Shivagami


And they escaped through the terrace of the palace.The walls were very high.

"Kattappa how are we going to jump from here" asked Shivagami.

"Do not worry mother"said Devasena.

And she whistled and in a moment three dark horses.. jumped from one brick to another and climbed the wall.

Shivagami was impressed.

Devasena,Shivagami and Kattappa now almost got towards the end of the.. biggest Gate,but was suddenly seen by one of the security guards because Mahendra bahubali started crying.

'who is that..attack"he shouted.

He threw an arrow.
Devasena also had her bow and arrow and the Mahendra bahubali bound to her through her by a piece of cloth.

Devasena's arrow stopped the arrow.

Shivagami was really impressed this time because it was very dark,almost impossible for anyone to shoot a moving target.

They escaped ,a storm of arrows came towards them,half of them was taken down by Kattappa,half of them was taken down by Devasena.

Shivagami just stood still to watch her fight.

"She was absolutely right for Bahu"thought Shivagami.

"Lets run through the forest"said Kattappa.

The shouldiers lost their track.Someone went to inform the king.

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