Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Malory's POV

"Dare" I smirked !

"Fine, I dare you to kiss HAYES!" She shouted. I gulped looking over to him, he was frozen.

"No pleasseee. Anything else " I said. She shaked her head with a great big smile. I know what your thinking. She dared me to kiss HER boyfriend, but she knows how much I hate him and how it would mean nothing. Just one little kiss right.

"FINE.Ok ok," I shouted

I walked over to Hayes. Ew just saying that makes me puke. I sit down and HE looks at me neriously. Ok Malory just get this over with.

Hayes POV

Once Taylor said the dare there was fireworks shooting off in, well every where. I know that everyone knows that we absolutely hate eachother. I have'nt ever really hated her, I've actually had a little crush on her but just little! I'm only dating Taylor to be force to hang with Malory. OH that name. OMG she's leaning in just do it Hayes.

Malory's POV

Why do I have to do this. I just need to get it over with. So I leaned in. When his lips were on mine I could'nt think about anything else. Wait is this Hayes Grier I'm talking about.

"I....uh..gotta go." I said and grapped my stuff and ran out. Lucky I lived just a couple doors down. But then I realized I live next door to Hayes went to school with him how am I just supposed let this go.

As I got home I just passed out on my bed. I woke up and had 2 messages from. Seriously Hayes.

Hayes said.......

Hope y'all liked it!  I'll update tomorrow

xoxo - Mal

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