Chapter 6

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Mal's POV

It was Tuesday morning and I got up For school.

*I'm gonna skip my morning routine*

I wore a Black crop top with a skirt and sandles. I left for the bus but when I got up there I remembered that me and Taylor was'nt my friend and Hayes and I were just talking so I went up to my BEST FRIEND Samantha.

" Hey " I she said.

" Hey " I replied. She wasn't a morning person. Once the bus finally pulled up I walked on. I usually sat in the way back, but when I got back there Hayes was sitting alone and also was Sam. Then I decided to sit next to Sam.That was when I got a text.

Hayes : playing hard to get

Me : :)

 The rest of the ride was quiet me and Sam chatted but that was really it. Our bus was'nt that loud in the morning. I got off of the bus and thats when I felt someone grab my hand.

" Hayes stop " I took my hand away. " We aren't offically " I started to walk faster but he caught up to me.

" Oh come on we have a Date isn't that offical enough " He whinned. I turned around and stopped him. And also grabbed bot of his hands.

" Listen to my words WE AREN'T OFFICAL YET " I smiled and walked away. I could see him laugh at himself. That's so cute. Mal snap out of it.


I walked out of 3rd Period to go to lunch, when I got there I sat next to Samantha. Of course. When I was finished with my fruit I felt somebody sit next to me.

" Hayes " I smiled

" Hey " he replyed

It was nice sitting with him at lunch.


On the bus I sat next to Hayes, But I only did that because Sam convinced me to. We all walked home toghter. It was a wonderful day I can't wait for Hayes and my date tomorrow.

What will happen on the date read more tomorrow to find out !

xoxo- Mal :)

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