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"It's okay, it'll be better if I stay at the hospital" I said as I scooted closer to the door, putting a considerable distance between Jung Kook and myself.

"Don't be stupid, we have a room here and it's fairly large enough for the two of us so why do you wan to damage your spine by staying there for another day?" Jung Kook asked while rummaging through his suitcase, god he'd been digging through that thing for ages, what was he looking for?

"But...what if Tae Min hyung needs me, what is there's an emergency?" I asked biting my lip nervously, there were petty excuse, obviously but when I considered the alternative titanic sized butterflies started attacking my stomach. No way I was ready to stay in the same room with him. Yes, we'd shared something extraordinary at the hospital, something which made my skin tingle just from thinking about it but we were nowhere neat ready to live together. No way, not with his mood swings and tempers issues.

"You know if I wasn't the nice guy that I am, I would be offended by your lack of want to stay with me." He mused as he looked at me with a sly smirk on his face. I pushed myself nearer and nearer to the door until my entire body was pressed against it. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, not the slightest bit. It was making me nervous and anxious; instinctively my hands went to touch my lips, which were starting to tingle from anticipation. No! I scolded myself, there would not be a repeat of last time, we had too many issues to work out before we allowed ourselves to indulge in activities like that.

"I-I'm not scared of you Jung Kook" I said with stubborn determination that only made his smirk grow wider. He crossed his arms informs of his chest and unleashed the full power of his dazzling eyes in me. "Is that so?" He asked as he strode towards me. Okay Jimin, breath, it's okay, you can handle him...I told myself as he continued walking towards me.

"Are you sure?" He asked when he was only a couple of inches away from me and I nodded vigorously. He was so not getting the satisfaction of intimidating me. I raised my chin and narrowed my eyes at suspiciously as he kept moving closer and closer. Then he place his arms against the door on either side of my head and leaned in. I tried to control my heart from going haywire but it was sort of pointless. My senses were attacked by his scent and my train of thought went totally off track, once I gazed into his eyes.

"You could still change your answer" he whispered huskily and all I could was stand stalk still and stare at him. There was something really different about Jung Kook, it was a side of him I'd never seen before, not even when I used to meet him with Tae Min hyung. There was a twinkle in his eyes, his body wasn't as tense as it used to be and there were no worry lines on his face. When he realised I wasn't going to respond or Esther wasn't able to respond he chuckled and bent didn't so that his lips touched my hair. I shuddered as his hit breath fanned the side of my face. I leant back do that my neck was arched towards him.

"Well then I guess we'll just have..." he trailed his mouth from my ear to my cheek, leaving a path of burning skin behind and stopped just at the corner of my mouth. I gasped in surprise as his hands went to my waist. Jung Kook pulled back slightly and his eyes burned into mine, I knew this was his way of asking permission and whatever he saw in my eyes told him that he could do whatever he please. He brought his lips to mine for the second time that day and they barely brushed against each other when a loud knock on the door outside made us jump apart. Startled I placed my hand against my chest, where my heart threatened to jump right out of it. My face was beet root red as I moved aside and let Jung Kook open the door. I rushed to the attached terrace to get some cool air and behind me I heard the voices of the cleaning lady telling Jung Kook that she'd bought clean towels.

What was that in there? I berated myself. Why couldn't I stop myself or him from whatever it was we were going to do? Now was not the time or place to get involved in something like this, I reminded myself as I thought about Tae Min hyung. He's been through and suffered so much that he couldn't be alright without someone always by his side. He needed me and that was all I had to focus on. Yes, I needed to make sure Tae Min hyung was fine before I let myself get distracted by anything else. He'd tried to kill himself and there wasn't guarantee that he wouldn't try again, my priority had to make sure he got back to being the person he used to be and not the broken remnants I saw back at the hospital.

His Second Choice (JiKook)Where stories live. Discover now