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Graduate, I was a high school graduate and it was almost impossible to believe. Who knew that after everything I'd been through in less than a year I would still manage to graduate and that it would still make me feel as euphoric and free as I'd always imagined it would? I guess that some things really don't change and even though I'd always thought that such an ordinary things as graduating from high school wouldn't make a difference to me, it did and now I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

It had been a struggle though and a lot of it. Long grueling hours at the school library, studying with J-Hope and tons of extra classes helped me to catch up. We were still living in Daegu and Jung Kook managed to set up his office from home so that we could spend as much time as we wanted together. He'd made sure that our relationship was the topmost priority and I couldn't be happier or more in love. It was the little things that brought us closer, bridged the gap that had somehow formed in the last month or so. He'd tutor me since he was an Economics genius and stay up with me during my finals. On occasions when he knew I was irritable and tense he would give me space, occasionally bringing me his delicious home made food. I knew that I was falling more and more in love with him if that was even possible.

Today Aunt Lisa had hosted a small dinner in honor of my graduation and I was surrounded by all the people who now formed my family. Jung Kook obviously get along with the Jungs - Jun Young had even brought a date and I'd teased him endlessly about the cute blond who he couldn't take his eyes off, J-Hope would drop by later along with some of my friends from school. RM was here too and Jung Kook had given him the day off so that he could drink and have fun, Jin hyung's laughter echoed from where he chatted up my aunt who just couldn't seem to resist his charms.

As I sat on the steps of the porch watching everyone laugh and have fun I couldn't help but feel happy and content. It had been a long time since it had all been so peaceful, no chaos no pain no misunderstandings, nothing at all to disrupt my life.

"What are you thinking about?" A huge smile formed on my face as I heard his voice and when I followed the direction of it my heart just couldn't resist skipping a beat.

Jung Kook. It was still overwhelming for me to be around him just like it had been from the very beginning. He was what you called larger than life but while at first I'd been intimidated by him, now I was simply terrified of the rush of emotions that filled me whenever he was around. Like a moth drawn to flame the attraction I felt for him bordered on insanity but knowing that he felt just as strongly kept me from losing my mind.

I knew I was shamelessly ogling at my husband in front of the guests but trust me if you had a husband who looked like that you wouldn't want to look away either. He'd attended my graduation and the proud smile on his face when I'd walked up to the stage had just made my day. I remember running into his arms after it was all done and kissing the life out of him. After that since I knew he had an important meeting I'd made him leave and he'd gotten back in time for dinner and boy did he look mouthwatering. He'd just showered and his hair was wet and glistening, sticking up in different directions since he always liked messing it up a bit when he was at home. He was wearing the shirt I'd gotten for him for his birthday, a sky blue button down paired with some khaki shorts. 

"I was just wondering when my husband was going to show up" I replied, pulling my knees up closer to me and resting my head on them so that I could look at him comfortably.

He sat down on the stairs next to me and pulled me towards him so that I was now sat on his lap. Everyone was too busy on their own so I wasn't really embarrassed about our closeness.

"Were you missing him?" his minty breath blew on my face and my mind drifted off to memories of him kissing me. He just felt and tasted so good, I was having a pretty hard time containing myself at the moment.

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