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I woke up a lot earlier than Jung Kook did, that was most probably because he'd had been given a lot of painkillers which had knocked him our for the better part of the day. Smiling, I tried to wriggle out of his tight grasp on my waist but his hold only tightened. His deep breathing told me that he was still asleep so gently I pried his hands off of me and with one kiss on his forehead I left the room.

Last night I'd slept more peacefully than I had in a long time. It was like I'd finally come home, like I was finally safe. Having Jung Kook's body entwined with mine, his body heat seeping into my skin, my face buried in the crook of his neck, it was everything that I knew I was missing out on. A giddy happy expression made its way to my face when I realized that many such nights were to follow now that everything between us was cleared.

I used the hospital bathroom to make myself look a little more presentable. RM had brought me a bag of necessities from Jung Kook's home so I was able to leisurely brush my teeth, wash my hair and face and even change clothes. Once I was done, I made my way to the doctor's office, he'd said that he'd update me on Jung Kook's condition in the morning and the thought of it had hounded me in my dreams last night.

Turns out I had nothing to worry about, Jung Kook's surgery was successful and the blood loss was no longer a problem. The doctor said that he needed to stay under observation for about two weeks just so that they could make sure that he was properly healed and that there were no other internal injuries.

It was when I was about to head to the cafeteria to get some coffee that I saw them. My aunt, uncle, Jun Young and even... J-Hope? I hadn't used this hallway to leave so I hadn't seen them before but apparently they'd been here for a while. The elder ones were sat on a bench; with Aunt Lisa leaning her head on uncle's and both had their eyes closed. Jun Young and J-Hope were sprawled on two different benches and they too were asleep in rather awkward and painful looking positions.

"They drove through the night and got here an hour ago" RM came up from behind me, startled; I jumped and could feel my heartbeat accelerate. He gave me a sheepish smile and backed away.

Carefully I walked over to where my aunt was asleep and tapped her lightly on the shoulder. She jumped the second I touched her and whipped her neck in my direction.

"Oh honey, you're okay!" she exclaimed and hugged me tightly. Uncle wasn't as affectionate but I could see relief in his eyes too, he gave me an awkward hug and after a couple of questions, they left for the cafeteria. I turned to face the two boys who were now up too. Jun Young grabbed me in a bear hug.

"I'm sorry" he muttered in my ear and I knew he was apologizing for trying to set me up with J-Hope. I gave him a smile, "Its okay. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that"

"But I was wrong wasn't I? Your bodyguard told us everything; I can't believe Tae Min hyung could do something like this" he grimaced at his name, like he was something filthy and I could relate to the feeling.

"Yeah well, I'm glad that it's over now" I sighed and pulled away.

"So you're going back to him?"

It wasn't something I really needed to think about. The answer was a big fat yes, now that all the misunderstandings had been cleared; there really wasn't any reason for me to not go back to him.

"I think I am"

He looked like he was about to say something but then stopped himself and simply nodded.

"Okay then, I'll catch you later. J-Hope actually wanted to speak to you alone"

For the first time ever I turned my attention to the brown haired boy who was leaning against a wall and smiled at me nervously, giving me a small wave.

His Second Choice (JiKook)Where stories live. Discover now