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Slipping on my engagement ring, I rested my back against a wall and took deep breaths, trying to settle the anxiety in my stomach. I told myself again and again that in the end it was all going to be worth it. I would find a way to get out of this mess I was in, now just didn't involve Jung Kook or I but also our baby. Tae Min hyung had played around with me for long enough but now things needed to change. 

By four in the afternoon I am ready, only waiting for hyung to tell me to come down. I ran over things he'd told me to do and then I ran over my own plan for the evening. It was drastically different and not one that would receive Tae Min hyung's seal of approval but it depended on one thing and one thing alone and that was Jung Kook's trust in me. If he loved me, if he'd believed that I could never purposely hurt him then things wouldn't go wrong.

"He's here" my brother exclaimed as he rushed into the room. His face was flushed with excitement, his eyes bright. He was happy but now that meant nothing to me. I'd stopped caring the moment he put my baby's life in danger.  I nodded and squared my shoulders, I let out a breath and gave him a shaky smile.

"I'm ready" I affirmed and he eyed me carefully, checking if I was lying.

"Do you remember what you need to do?"

"Absolutely" I smiled and when he was assured, he left and closed the door behind him. Ten minutes later, I was supposed to make my way downstairs and then have a conversation which could change my life forever.

My heart thudded loudly in my chest as I slowly climbed down the stairs. My skin prickled with nerves and my gut clenched. I felt immensely nauseous but it was more than just morning sickness. I couldn't believe that I was in the situation that I was. Things like this didn't happen in real life, they just didn't. All I wanted to do was run into Jung Kook's arms and have him hold me so tightly that all the pain I'd been through would get erased, sadly that wasn't how it was supposed to go.

I was so scared, so nervous that I almost bolted out of the house but Tae Min hyung picked up on my fear. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, he looped his arm through mine and whispered in my ear "Don't screw this  up because if you do..."

"You don't need to remind me" I cut him off and without any hesitation I walked towards the living room where Jung Kook was waiting for me. The reason Tae Min hyung had picked the living room because it was connected to our dining room. You wouldn't really notice a person standing on the opposite side of the connecting doors and listening in. I however knew that my brother had ulterior motives for everything he did so I knew how I had to play this game.

Allowing myself to be weak for on more time, I blinked back the tears in my eyes and pushed back the door to the living room wide open, startling a haggard looking Jung Kook.

As soon as his eyes met mine, my knees began to tremble. I gulped as a thousand emotions that I couldn't even begin to identify hammered my body. The tears I'd so strongly willed to not come out started pouring out on their own. I was trembling terribly and I just needed him to hold me.

His eyes were intense and stormy, not even the dark circles underneath them could mar their beauty. His face look hallowed, almost lifeless, his hair had grown longer, shaggy. My hands begged to run through them but my feet wouldn't support me. I didn't really have to move because the next thing I knew I crashed into his rock solid chest with strong protective arms encircling my waist, lifting my feet slightly off the ground.

"Jimin" he breathed, sounding disbelieving. His lips immediately crashed on mine and he groaned as I immediately responded, not thinking twice. My hands snaked up his back and I entwined them around his neck. Our chests were flush against each other but still it felt like the distance was too much. Jung Kook grabbed a hold of my hips pushing up so that my legs were wrapped around his waist. His tongue was hot and urgent against mine, the kiss becoming rough increasingly passionate and needy. I tugged at his hair and moaned as he slid his hands up my shirt. I gasped as I'm becoming more needy. His member stabbed my abdomen and I could feel his desire, infecting mine. He removed his lips from mine placing hot kisses down my neck. I gripped his hair, breathing heavily.

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