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Walking to my old room I made sure to close the door behind me so that Tae Min hyung wouldn't hear what was about to happen next. He'd left us alone for most part of the evening and I could only hope he didn't see how strained and awkward things were between Tae Hyung and I. Tae Hyung, bless him that he had caught on to the fact that something was out of place and that Tae Min hyung had no idea about anything that happened in the pass four months so he kept quiet. Now as I lead him to my room, I was preparing to tell him what I should've told him ages ago. I was a horrible person for making him go through what he did and I didn't deserve his love or his forgiveness.

"Whoa, What happened in here?" Tae Hyung let out a low whistle as I opened the door to the room and switched on the light. I have to admit, I was pretty surprised myself. Everything was gone...each and every single thing that used to be part of the place was gone and in its place were bare white walls. A lone bed and an armchair sat in the middle of the large space but that was it. Wow, they must have really wanted to remove all the traces of me and they did a pretty good job.

"It's a long story" I said as my gaze wandered around the room. Tae Hyung came up from behind me and placed his hand on my back. He leaned closer to my ear and his breath tickled the side of my face. Once again I felt like I was putty in his arms, "I'm not going anywhere Jiminie" he breathed and pulled away; grabbing my wrist and making us walk forwards so that our legs collided with the bed. We sat down on the king size bed and Tae Hyung traced his fingers across my face, I shuddered at the contact, goosebumps breaking out over my skin. How could I push him away when the slightest touch from him made me lose my mind?

"I need to know what's been going on Jiminie, please just tell me." He said softly, his fingers still lingering on my cheek. He brushed them across my lips as lightly as a feather but that one simple action broke my last thread of restraint. I had no idea what came over me but I literally leapt at him, attacking him with my lips. All the pain, anger, longing I had bottled up inside of me released as my body finally got what it had been aching for, for ages. My lips touched Tae Hyung's and it was like I'd been given air to breathe and water after a prolonged drought. He responded immediately, moaning at the back of his throat and tangling his hands in my hair, pulling me impossibly closer to him. He licked my bottom lip and I was more than eager to let him in. As soon as his tongue met mine, fireworks exploded inside of me as I drunk him in greedily. The kiss was filled with so much passion and love that I couldn't figure out how I'd stayed away from him so long. His taste was so exotic, so delectable that I never wanted to stop. Regretfully however, we had to and we were both breathing pretty hard by the time we did. Tae Hyung touched his forehead to mine.

"I love you so much" he breathed as he gazed into my eyes and I gulped. It had been so long since I'd heard those words from him, it just thawed my heart. "I love you too" I said as I caressed his cheek.

"Then, tell me Jiminie, please tell me what's wrong" he begged. I let out a deep breath. I grabbed his hands and help them in a death grip, fearing that he'd leave me forever if I let go. I looked at him with all the love I had for him inside of me, hoping he'd see that everything that had happened was a cruel twist of fate and that I would never hurt him on purpose.

My voice shook terribly as I said "where do I start from?" I laughed bitterly and Tae Hyung's grip on my hands tightened.

"How about the beginning?" he suggested and I nodded. I started telling him the story from the day of the wedding, about how Tae Min hyung had deserted us all. I told him about how my family would've lost everything if a wedding hadn't taken place and then I told him the hardest part. I didn't dare to look at his face as I mentioned taking my brother's place and marrying Jung Kook. That was when his hold on my wrists tightened to a point that it was painful. I closed  my eyes and let a lone tear escape. I didn't really want to continue but since he wasn't interrupting I didn't stop. I skipped the parts where Jung Kook and his house had pretty much made my life miserable but I told him about Suga hyung, Tae Min hyung's , his accident and now his return.

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