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They told me that Suga-hyung had been found at the site of the crime and was about to be handed into police custody. The rational part of me, the one which I'd ignored for so long believed for some reason that he was innocent, that he wasn't capable of sinking so low because fact was Suga-hyung never had the guts, he was all talk and that I was sure of.

"He isn't making much sense right now but maybe you could get something out of him" Jin-hyung had gotten back his usual confidence back after the meltdown and he was like a man possessed, in the confines of Jung Kook's basement a lot of questioning had been done, from where I sat on the stairs I had heard a lot of shouting but all of it had been from the guards or Jin-hyung, Suga-hyung was an absolute mess, barely speaking like he was in shock or something. Now I was being told that I should speak to him and that since he knew me he would respond better to me. RM had intervened at that point, saying that could put me in danger but I had assured them that I knew the guy well, he was capable of a lot of things but never physically harming another person.

I took the seat across Suga-hyung's with a table in the middle but the setting felt too much out of a CSI Miami episode so I shifted my chair and placed it next to his. He had his head buried in his hands, not even looking up like he'd never noticed another person's presence in the room.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Suga-hyung?" I said softly and felt his muscles flex beneath my hand. His eyes were bloodshot as he met my gaze. I could tell that they'd witnessed something horrific, something which had snatched the light away from them.

"Oh thank god" he surprised me by giving me an awkward one armed hug and I patted his back in return. He didn't leave me for a while, through the thin material of his t-shirt I could feel his heart beating wildly.

"What happened hyung?" my voice was muffled as my head was against his shoulder.

"I don't know...I just...we were talking and then Tae Min walks in. He was acting crazy you know? Shouting, throwing stuff and then he got out a gun..."

My breathing faltered as he began to graphically describe how Tae Min hyung had shot Jung Kook and managed to run before the security had rushed in. A heavy sort of weight settled inside me and tore me up when he said that Jung Kook only kept one or at most two guards with him and had sent most of them to me. How could I have been so stupid to miss that? What world had I been living in?

"Tae Min-hyung...what happened with him? I mean at the press conference you guys looked happy..." I trailed off, it wasn't making sense, nothing was now that I knew that it was indeed my brother who'd shot Jung Kook. Yes, I knew he wasn't in the right state of mind but in his own twisted and demented way he cared about Jung Kook or at least he was aware of the fact that he could use Jung Kook for his own gain so why did Tae Min hyung just destroy any chance he might have left with Jung Kook?

"Don't be stupid Jimin" he reprimanded me like I was a dense child. "The only reason Jung Kook put up with Tae Min was because he wanted to find out who's the person behind your accident. I've been spying on Tae Min for weeks now and two days ago he told me everything. It was all him, Jimin, the abortion, Min Ho, the accident...he was behind everything. When I told Jung Kook, you should've seen him...he would've have killed Tae Min if Jin hadn't stopped him."

Somehow I felt like I already knew this, like some part of me was aware of Tae Min hyung's hand in this and Jung Kook's innocence but hearing those words from someone else's mouth made it all so much worse. What I'd said to him...that day at his house and the hospital, remembering them made me want to run into his arms and hold onto him, beg him to forgive me, to love me again but then did I deserve it anymore? I knew I didn't.

"Did hyung find out? Did he know that you didn't like him?"

"It wasn't just that. Things were becoming harder, Jung Kook make sure to make him suffer all the time. He told the press that he'd left him, a divorce and everybody took his side because Tae Min was spotted with me a lot of the time. It was everywhere you know? People thought he'd cheated on Jung Kook; the day after the conference we had reporters all over the house. Then Jung Kook had Tae Min removed from the project, it was getting to him. These last two days he'd been always drunk...I knew he was going to have a meltdown any minute and tell me everything"

His Second Choice (JiKook)Where stories live. Discover now