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Over the course of the next few days I barely saw Jung Kook and that itself had put me in the worst of moods. He'd be gone before I got a chance to wake up and he'd come back sometime in the early hours of the morning. One night I dared staying up and waiting for him only to have him tell me off.

"You shouldn't be awake" he sounded cold and distant as he took off his shoes and tie. I sat upright in the bed and watched with weary eyes as he went to the bathroom and soon the sound of a running shower was heard.

I lay back down, a thousand different thoughts running through my head. Was he mad at me? Had I done something wrong? Ever since the night with Tae Hyung, Jung Kook had been pushing me away and I had no idea why. While I was trying my best to act normal he apparently hadn't taken it too well and the effect of the incident was clearly visible on him. He was avoiding me, barely looking at me and it broke my heart each time. I hadn't even gotten to talk to him about the baby because he wouldn't spare me a glance which made me realize that something wasn't right.

I didn't realize that I'd fallen asleep while waiting for him to come back and was awoken by the sound of a car engine revving. Startled, I got up and wrapped a robe around my pajamas and raced to the main entrance. Jung Kook stood tapping away furiously at his phone and staff carried suitcases to the car.

"Are you going somewhere?" I was bewildered, watching the endless parade of suitcases coming out of the house. He barely looked up from his phone and gave a small nod. Upset and angry, I marched towards him and grabbed the phone from his hands, he huffed and gave me an annoyed look like he was dealing with misbehaving child.

"I don't have time for this, Jiminie, give me back my phone"

"Where are you going?" I asked like I hadn't even heard his request.

He let out an exasperated sigh and held out his hand, "my phone" he said pointedly like he wanted no further discussion on the topic.

"Where are you going?" I repeated myself, I wasn't going to back down. He was hiding something from me and in the process of it he was damaging our relationship, I wouldn't let him do that, not after everything we'd been through.

He grabbed my arm and guided me inside, closing the door behind him. I still clutched his phone in my hand, my grip so tight that I could actually break it.

"Are you so dense? Did you have to do that in front of the servants? I didn't know that you were such an attention seeker"  he spat and I flinched due to his harsh words.

"Jung Kook...I...I don't know what I've done to make you so mad but please don't leave. We can fix this, whatever it is just don't shut me out" I said softly and placed my hand on his forearm.

His eyes bored into mine, making my heart pick up its pace. I moved closer to him only to have him shrug off my hand and move away. He turned so that now I faced his back and I saw him shaking his head. When he faced me again, his expression was cold and distant, immediately making me feel panicked and hurt.

"I have a flight to catch, Jimin, I'm sorry if I can't stay for chit chat right now, just give me back my phone" I gulped as I noticed that he wasn't in the mood for an argument and I realized that I didn't want a fight either. Handing him his phone back I shrank into a wall and watched as he began typing away again. When he began to leave, I found my voice and called out.

"Please don't go" in a second my mind began conjuring up images of the night Tae Hyung had showed up, if Jung Kook hadn't come on time, if he hadn't protected me I wouldn't have made it, I wouldn't have survived.

For the first time in days I felt his eyes soften as a familiar expression crossed his face, kindness and love. I felt like I could breathe again when he looked at me like that and immediately my heart jumped in my chest.

His Second Choice (JiKook)Where stories live. Discover now