Pining, oh pining.

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  Harry sipped at his coffee. Draco was sat on the other side of the table, writing something down in a notepad. His hand moved quickly and gracefully across the paper, the pen making scritching noises on the paper. Harry's gaze drifted up to the platinum blond's face. His eyebrows were furrowed just slightly as he concentrated. Harry wasn't sure what he was doing, but it gave him an excuse to stare, so it worked. He looked at Draco's face again. His eyes were squinted every so slightly, and his lips were purses. He paused, tapping the pen on the paper. Surprisingly, he hadn't left yet. He made coffee, and Harry made some toast. They ate in sort of comfortable silence and then Draco started writing. He'd not said a word to Harry after thanking him for the toast, and Harry didnt know what to think about that. Good or bad, he truly did not know. Draco was still tapping his pen when he looked up at Harry. He smiled happily and went back to thinking. Probably for work. Doubt he ever gets an actual break , honestly.
  Harry was now staring at Draco's paper instead of his face. He was curious. But he couldn't see much. Just a few words. 'Write me!'. For work, definetly.

Draco looked up and raised his eyebrow, still smiling,"It's for a book. Well, hopefully." He looked back down, and set his pen aside. Draco wanted to write a book. That was nice. That explains his love for writing. Harry almost felt stupid for not realizing this sooner.

Draco slid the notepad to Harry's side of the table.

Write me!


- Glasses ( specifically Harry's )
- Apples (green)
- Willow trees
- Tea
- A coffee shop like the one I met Harry in
- Coffee with just abit of milk ( How harry likes it )
- And oversized sweater ( Like all the ones Harry wears )
- Worn shoes ( Like mine )

Draco smiled slyly and slid it back to him,"I'm putting everything I like in it."

Harry's eyes went wide and his face flushed. Draco was writing a book and he wanted everything he liked to he in it. Most of the things he wrote down were Harry inspired.

Harry looked anywhere but Draco, and tried to hide his blushing face. He heard Draco chuckled.

"Well, I should be going. You feeling any better?" Draco changed the subject (thankfully).

Harry nodded,"Definitely, thanks."

Draco nodded and happily stood. He placed his cup gently into the sink and walked to the door. He waved. "Bye, lo-see you...see you later." His face went pink.

Harry could just barely contain a laugh,"Bye Dray, thanks for coming over."

Draco spun and left.

--- Time skip-adoo ---

Harry lazed around the house. He was bored. He was going to a photoshoot tomorrow, but otherwise, he had nothing to do or to look forward to. Draco and him hadn't really talked for two days ( Yes, harry was counting. ), which was odd. They usually spoke everyday. Wether it was a call or text, they always talked. He's just busy. He's just busy. Harry had repeated it constantly, but it refused to sink in. Or he refused.
He was worried, why, he didn't know. What if he found a girlfriend. What if he didn't like Harry anymore. Harry grimaced. Girlfriend. G-i-r-l-f-r-i-e-n-d. A pang of jealously shot through him. He picked up his phone, checking the time.
It was 3:30. Draco was off. Harry hesitated at the texts. Should he type? Yes, no. No. Yes. Argh. Draco (and feelins in general) are difficult.

His finger hovered above the typing box. He tapped it. He typed slowly, thinking.

Hey, how's everything? We haven't talked in a while.

Read at 3:41 pm.

--Another time skip---

Draco shoved his plate away. He wasn't eating it. No. Nope. Not eating, ever. It made his stomach scream. His stomach had been fluttery and twisty since he went over to Harry's. When he ate, the feeling intensified. Everytime.

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