We kissed, now I'm all rainbows

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A/N: Sorry for being a little late, this is reassuring, isn't it?

Harry stayed over at Draco's again the next weekend. He was so happy to do so, and honestly, he would do it every weekend, but he couldn't do that. And, anyway, he needed to focus, he had something to do.

Draco slid a cup of tea his way, across the table. He smiled at him and turned, probably to make himself a cup.

Harry sipped it, watching Draco pour tea into a mug for himself. He turned back to Harry and sat down across from him. Harry smiled at him, then took another sip of his tea.

They moved to Draco's bedroom and sat down, both at the headboard. Their tea was sat on the bedside table on their own side. Harry scooted slightly closer to Draco, who responded to this by putting his arm around him. Harry leaned into him but felt himself hesitate a bit.

What was he doing?  Asking him.

Draco looked at him oddly, an eyebrow raised. "Everything alright?"

Harry frowned. "How about a walk?" He blurted.

Draco pulled another face but agreed. They got up, off the bed, but there was no need to change. Harry had gotten there only an hour or so ago, so he was still in everyday clothes.

• • •

They stepped out onto the sidewalk and Draco turned to lock the door to his apartment. Harry watched him, still trying to figure some things out. What was he doing? Harry looked to his feet but looked back up when he felt Draco take his hand.

His smile was so wide, sparkling and perfect. So bright. Harry smiled back softly and adjusting his hand slightly so it was comfortable.  They began to walk to a park that Harry knew about. Draco most likely had no clue where they were going. Hopefully, he didn't. Hopefully, this would all go to plan. He should've just forgotten about that night. Not taking it as anything...important. He glanced back up at Draco, who was scrolling absently through his Instagram. His smile -- that damned thing -- was still blessing his features. Harry looked back, to check the street sign. Two more blocks.

Harry wasn't sure if the silence was tense or comfortable, maybe somewhere in between. They had one more block, thank the lord. Harry adjusted his glasses with his free hand, they were falling off the bridge of his nose. Draco had put his phone away now and was looking around at the streets, seeming to take in every detail. Must be the writer in him.

• • •

They turned the block again, and there it was. In the early fall, the tree's were yellow and green, and the weather was perfect. Perfectly warm, perfectly cold. Just like Draco.

He looked back to Draco now, his face a deep pink. His stomach bubbled and twisted, and he felt butterflies begin to form in the middle, then explode and burst, slamming into the walls of his stomach. Draco made him nervous, antsy, but this was...terrifying.

"So...Um. What about the park? We could sit for a while..." he trailed off, feeling stupid.

"That sounds nice." Draco's gaze flicked up, to look at the park across the road. He smiled, thinking it was rather pretty. He took in some small details, hopefully remembering to add them to his list of things he wanted to put in his novel. It was going well. Maybe, he should finally tell Harry about that. Maybe.

They walked across the street, still hand in hand. There was an older looking lady, with a stern looking face. She wore half-moon shaped glasses with a small chain hanging off one side. There were worry lines in her forehead, and a crease in between her eyebrows from furrowing them, also from worry. She sat on a bench, a book -- hardback -- in her hands. She glanced up at them from across the gravel path when they sat down on the bench across from her, a small smile across her lips. A reminiscent smile.

They were sat close together, knees touching, but there was an inch or two maybe, in between the rest of them. Harry withdrew his hand from the other boy's, much to both of their dismay.

Harry shifted nervously, "So um...How's your book? I remember you talking about it, saying how happy you were with it so far. "

"Oh!" Draco's face lit up, "Yeah, it's going amazingly. I want you to read it if you could."

Harry felt his blush -- which didn't see to go away -- deepen. "Oh, that's good. I'll read it whenever you want me to, I'd be happy to."

Draco nodded, smiling.

When Harry was about to say something, Draco's phone went off. It made the sound of a notification, a weird jingle. It wasn't too terribly loud.

Draco frowned and grabbed it out of his pocket. His frowned deepened when he looked at it.

"Something wrong, Dray?" Harry questioned.

Draco shook his head, "No, just Pansy."

Harry glanced at the phone trying not to make his despise and jealousy noticeable. "What's up with Pansy? Didn't she stop talking to you once...that happened?"

Draco shrugged lightly, "Probably come to 'apologize'." You could feel bitterness radiating off of him as if he were the sun.

"Well," Harry said, a bit too shakily, "I wanted to talk to you..." He began to shift nervously again.

"Hm?" Draco hummed, the bitter tone was gone instantly as he spoke to Harry.

"I uhm...I really like you, like...a lot? And I don't really know what to say about it but I do and I doubt you feel the same way, honestly, but I wanted to tell you and its okay if you want to stop being friends this is probably going to make things awkward..." he trailed off as pale pink smashed against his. Smashed...That wasn't the correct word. They caressed his own if lips could do that. Draco's lips hugged his, warmly. It was like rainbows were exploding around them, radiating in the sunlight of that warm fall afternoon. Rainbows and light were radiating off of them (mostly Draco, I mean honestly).

Draco eventually pulled away after what felt like ages and milliseconds at the same time. Not too long, but not long enough. "I like you too Harry."

Holy fuck.

• • •

Draco had walked Harry back to his apartment, but Harry had to leave for a photo shoot. Draco drove him home, and when he came back his phone was buzzing and making noise like crazy. He'd left it at home, thankfully, because he wouldn't even be able to hear  Harry over this. He rushed to pick up his phone, kind of hoping for it to be Harry, but to his dismay, it was Pansy.




Draco we need to talk.

Please answer me??




Did I just see you with some guy at the park?

Draco what the hell??

Draco! Talk! To! Me!

Tell me what's wrong.

This is just a phase, I'm sure of it.

It's just you rebelling, like usual. You always hated being 'daddy's little project'. This will pass!

Come onnnn Draco!

Jesus fucking Christ. A phase. It'll pass. It's just you rebelling.

This is how she's going to come to terms with it? This selfish, envious bitch.

Guess I'll call Harry.

OKAY! SO! I KNOW IVE BEEN DOING THESE A LITTLE LATE, and I'm sorry. I've been getting better thank Christ, but, I'm still going through some deep shit. Soooo, please don't get mad :( Sorry its a bit shorter. Enjoy my lovelies ~~Sail

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