Damn it, Draco.

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    Harry was exiting the building in which he did his photoshoot. He slipped into the drivers seat of his black Mercedes. He was turning the ignition on when his phone vibrated. His heart began to race instantly, and his mind began to race. He felt curiosity shoot through his like a metal-tipped arrow.

He reached for his phone, his heart still going fast. What the hell? I'm not even talking to him and I'm having a panic attack! Damn it, Draco. Why must you make me feel like a fourteen year old girl?

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and his eyes shot across the screen, frantically reading the notification. He tapped on it, trying his best to go fast.

Hey, sorry we haven't talked in a while...How are you? I miss talking to you.

Harry's heart leaped into his throat. He felt like he'd run a marathon less than two minutes ago. He typed ecxitedly. Thank god he's talking to me again! God, I really am a fourteen year old girl.

Hey! Yeah, I've been fine, how about you? Ive missed you. What took so long?

Even in texts I sound desperate to see him, he thought.


     Draco was walking into the building's elevator to get to his office with his phone pulled out. Bad decision. Not because he might run into something, not because he might drop it. No. Pansy is a clingy bitch, that's why.

"Hey drakie---....whos that?"

Draco felt his whole body stiffen,"Pansy,dear, why don't you mind your own business, it's rude to be nosy."

Draco could feel the jealousy-induced-anger radiating off of her as she spoke,"Is that your girlfriend or something?"

He wanted to cringe at the word girlfriend, but he wasn't about to loose his mask of calm feelings, which were actually nonexistent. "No, Pansy, must I tell you again?"

The elevator made a ding noise and they exited and entered Draco's office. Pansy grabbed his coat sleeve and pulled at it.


"Tell me who she is!" She whined loudly.

Draco's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and his eyes widened a bit. "Pansy, I've told you many times and I'll tell you again, I am gay. G-A-Y. Homosexual."

Pansy stood, quite. Silent. She spoke sadly. "O-oh..."

Honestly, she looked humiliated. Mortified.

She stormed off, her face flushed. Finally.

Draco grabbed his phone and hasitly typed.

I was busy with work...I'm good though. Pansy's pissed. WWhat have you been doing?

A/N: I am so sorry this is a bit later than I wanted. I hit the deadline though! I was planning on a hiatus, because of my anxiety and friend issues, but I decided against it. Honestly, writings the only thing keeping me alive and happy so, enjoy! ~Sail

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