So, I have a snake, that good?

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    Draco slipped his phone out of his pocket, making sure to pay most of his attention to the road (would not recommend, you might die...), as it was ringing quietly. He answered it and put it to his pale ear.


"Hey, its. it's Harry. How are you?"

Draco grinned. "Hey! I'm alright...tired. How are you? I'm glad we're talking again."

"I'm good. Sorry, you're tired. I was... um. I was wondering..if you wanted to come over? Maybe we out..?"

Draco felt himself Blanche, and then his face heated up. Dammit. Those feelings were back. Shit shit...shit. He was avoiding these. He was getting away from them, so they would stop. Now here comes Harry and he just fucks everything up...

" are you there?" Harry corrected himself, and Draco snapped out of it.

"I...I uh.." Draco couldn't get any words out. He was being selfish and he didn't want these stupid feelings to resurface.

Selfish. Fuck.

"It's okay if you don't want to...I mean, you don't have to if you're busy," Harry sounded disappointed.

"I'll come. Want me over now? Or...later?" He blurted out. He didn't even give it a thought.

"Oh! Okay! Uhm. Could I...come over to your house? Mines a mess..."

Draco couldn't even stop his self, "Sure. I'll be home in a few minutes, drive over."

Draco stopped for a second. Shit, what about Elvira?

"Okay! I'll be over in half an hour or so," Harry was so excited.

"Are you okay with um...snakes?" Draco was hesitant, but there wasn't much a reason for it, honestly.

Harry paused for a moment,", sure? Is there any infestation or something?"

"No, she's a pet."

Harry made an odd, happy noise," Oo! Okay! What kind of snake?"

Draco grinned widely, "She's an albino python. Her names Elvira."

"Elvira?" Harry sounded confused.

"It means white. Or pure," Draco said proudly.

Draco could hear Harry's grin from across the phone, "Alright! Can't wait to see her, and you. I'll be there in an hour."


Draco stepped into the door of his apartment and instantly had a panic attack. It was a mess. It looked like a tornado had struck not two minutes ago.

     As fast as he could, Draco cleaned up the clutter he'd left from his sleepless state last night when he was writing. The book was going well, maybe Harry would want to know that. He kept cleaning.
About an hour later, he heard the knocking of his door. He quickly set down two mugs of tea (vanilla chai, because that's what Harry said he liked).

He rushed to the door, pausing at the knob. Was he being too quick? Open the damned door, Draco.

    He opened the door, and there was Harry. His hair was ruffled, and his glasses were hanging off his nose ever-so-slightly. He looked fucking adorable. Bastard. He had on a blood-red shirt that clung slightly to his chest. He wore bleached skinny jeans that clung on to his legs, and some rather beat-up-looking converse, which was also red.
Harry looked up and smiled sweetly, making Draco blush a light shade of pink. That damned smile. "Hey!" he sounded as ecstatic as Draco felt.

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