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A/N: So I guess today went well! How was your day?

I woke up at -you guessed it- 7:00 a.m. I turned it my bed and found a post-it note on my nightstand.

You're so cute when you sleep
See you at 2:10 Athena
-Your Knight

I rolled my eyes at how cheesy it was but I felt a blush creep into my cheeks. I plop onto my pillow, clutching the note to my chest and smile. I shake my head.

What the heck is wrong with me?

I take the notes and the last one and put it in a small box and push it under the bed. My hand touched another, worn down familiar box.

I felt my heartbeat it my fingertips as I slid the box from under the bed and put it on my window-seat. I open it and find several photo albums of me and my father, Leonard.

A picture fell out. In it, my hair was in a messy bun and he had a full beard. Our faces were together and our noses scrunched.

I felt a tear drop until the picture and put away the albums

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I felt a tear drop until the picture and put away the albums. I really missed Leo, he wasn't my biological father but he raised me and I viewed him as my real dad.

I loved him and what happened to him was my fault. I stared blankly out the window.

Eventually, there was a knock on my door.

Calliope stayed home again today. These teacher conferences I swear.

"Hey, sis how are you?" She asked.

"Managing" I said, smiling slightly.

"Where your boy- I mean Aiden" she said.

I glared at her and sighed "School" I eventually said.

"You'll be in a better mood when he comes over later, trust me" she says.

I grabbed the pills out of the tray and she left. I felt to exhausted to fight Calliope today.

"Ashley, girls do turn mean when their boyfriends aren't around" she scoffed into her phone.

I walked to the bathroom and threw the pills into the toilet, flushing them.

He felt so much pain, I let that happen to him. My heart ached and I felt weak and overwhelmed with emotions. I leaned against the tile wall and sobbed.

I pounded my fists against the wall and slid down until I payed on the floor. I scratched my body until I felt as pained and numb as I felt on the inside. Whatever pain I felt was even remotely close to what he felt because of me.

I crawled out of the bathroom and put on an extremely oversized hoodie and leggings. I lay on the bed and look at the ceiling.

It's more than I deserve.

A knock at my window. It's Aiden.

I slowly get out of bed and wince when I feel my stomach, I walk lopsided towards the window and open it.

"Athena!" Aiden exclaims, hugging me.

I flinch.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks.

"I-it's nothing I'm okay" I stutter and walk to my bed and sit, ignoring him.

"You'll never guess. So I invited a friend over, and he told his friends and they told their friends and long story short I've got half of the high school in my house tonight because my parents aren't home!" He says quickly.

"Wow, that's cool" I say.

"I need to set up a few things, you can chill in my room while I do them" he says.

I look over his shoulder into his house and shiver.

"Not today" I say quietly and look down to my lap.

"Hey, you've been quiet today what's wrong?" He asks, grabbing my hand.

I instantly pull it back into my chest, scared but it made matters worse. The hoodies sleeve rolled down and he saw it.

A scratch. A big, red ugly scratch on my wrist.

He instantly gasped "What the hell happened to you?" He says.

My eyes start to water. I shake my head and let the sleeve fall again. I also pull it up on my chest.

"What happened?" He asked more slowly with sadness in his voice. It isn't hard to piece together.

I didn't answer.

"Why would you do that?" He asked.

"I deserve it" I croak.

He ignored my answer.

"How much more?" He asked.

I felt the tears start to fall down. He slowly grabbed my hand and pulled back the sleeve until it was uncomfortable to. It kept going in different sides, sizes and directions but it covered my whole arm.

"Athena, I don't understand..." he trailed off.

"There's more" I whisper

"How much?"

I slowly took off my hoodie and he gasped as he saw my other arm and my neck/chest. I raised a bit of my shirt just enough to show the scratches on my stomach and a bit of my pants to show my legs.

"I'm a mess" I sobbed, putting the hoodie back on.

He kept shaking his head "Why would you?" He asked again.

"I deserve it for being a coward" I sobbed.

He put his arms around me and hugged me. "You aren't a coward, you don't deserve that"

I didn't say anything.

"Athena, I'm sorry but I think you need to see someone"

I heart lurched.

"See someone?!" I suddenly yelled, pushing him. "What do you mean?"

"Athena, that is not normal, I'm trying to help but there's only so much I can do"

"I know I'm not normal!" I screamed "So what?! You're gonna give me a diagnosis and shove my file in a cabinet?!"

"Do you have any idea" he stood up as well "How much it hurts to see you doing this to yourself, the blame and this?!"

"Well why'd you come along, I bet there's a bunch of normal, sane people you can hang out with!" I could feel my pulse quicken.

"That's not what I mean, Athena I care for you and don't want to-"

"Get out"

"What?" He asked, scoffing "Are you serious?"

"I said GET OUT!" I scream "And don't come back with a therapist speech memorized!"

"Whatever you want then" he says and leapt out the window. I slid to the floor and sobbed.


I awoke to the sound of loud music. I stood up and sat on my window seat. Aidens light was on and I could see his room. I felt bad, I was just so hurt and vulnerable that I didn't know what to do and I shouldn't have taken it out on him...

Suddenly, a gorgeous blond girl bursts into his room followed by him.

She whispers something in his ear and he grabbed her and suddenly kissed her.

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