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Talk? Ha! What on Earth would Aiden want to talk about?

On the other hand, Calliope also seemed chatty today. School was out for her today because of a teachers conference. She came at around 8:00 just to peep in my room, say 'hi' in a creepy manor and leave, talking gibberish on her phone.

It was now 10:00 which meant Calliope was bound to burst in with my meds. And all right she did, and she did so noisily.

"ATHENA" she screamed in a sing-song voice. I yelped in my window seat from the sudden outburst "I've come to cheer ya up, mate" she said in a fake British accent, giggling.

"You are in a awfully cheery mood today" I giggled.

"So are you, ever since..." she trailed off  "I don't know, since the Walsh's moved in" she raised her eyebrows at me.

I scoffed "I don't know what you're onto, Calliope but you are wrong" I say.

"Rubbish! I saw you!" She said again with the accent.

"Would you stop with the accent, you are giving me a headache" I rubbed my temples, shutting my book.

"Don't change the subject" she said accusingly.

"What do you mean?" I ask, rolling my eyes. I felt my cheeks tingling. I think I know what she's talking about, and I'm not fond of the subject.


I widened my eyes and clamped my hand over her mouth.

"Be quiet" I hissed "Someone is bound to be in the Walsh's house"

"Ah, so you remember" she smirked and put my pills tray onto my bed.

"I'd forgotten about it right up until you mentioned it, and it was nothing" I say.

Lies. Of course I thought about the almost-kiss. Maybe it was because it felt awkward but even I don't comprehend what happened there.

"He's a good guy, Athena. I approve" she batted her eyelashes dreamily.

"It was in the moment and I'm not into Aiden!" I hissed at her yet again.

"You've got a big crushy wushy on Aiden" she said in a baby voice.

"Listen here: I've known him for about a week and it's not enough time to develop feelings for someone!" I reasoned.

"So you're saying that in the future you might-" she started.

"Absolutely not!" I cut her off  "Mind you're own business, Calliope!"

"Whatever you say, Mrs. Walsh" she giggled.

I rolled my eyes. There was no point in fighting anymore. Sometime I think Calliope would make a good detective/interrogator.

I walked to my bed and drank all four pills quickly before handing the tray to Calliope. Her eyes seemed to be watering. I didn't say anything, she is really prideful when it comes to feelings.

She quickly rushed out of my room and she continued to talk on the phone.

"Amber, I told you it's him! I think she's getting better!" She said before hurrying downstairs.

Let Calliope think whatever she wanted. As long as it made her happy, she'd tolerate it.


2:10 came by quickly than I thought it would. And soon enough Aiden leapt through my open window.

"What's up, Athena" he said plopping down next to me on my bed.

"Had fun at school?" I asked.

"A total bore, as all schools are honestly. I wish I was homeschooled like you sometimes" he rolled his eyes.

I giggled "I'd give anything to go to real school, it seems like an adventure" I say, looking down.

"If you think conjugating verbs in Spanish is fun, then be my guest" he sighed.

"You said you wanted to talk?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Oh yes! It's just that I saw you were asleep on the window seat this morning, book in hand" he scratched the back of his neck "Did you sleep well?" He asked.

I sighed "Not really, just my usual but I read to take my mind off of it" I say.

"You should've called me over" he says.

"No, you needed the rest" I say "I've dealt with this for ten years all by myself "

"And I said I didn't want you to" he said, with authority "I should just sleep over to make sure you're okay" he says, smirking.

"Oh gosh, no!" I say, laughing.

"What, you don't like me?" He asked, mock hurt.

"I don't hate you" I trailed off.

He gasped "Ghastly! You are so rude!" He says

I laughed "It's fine, but don't you have a room and a bed" I say. I didn't want him here all the time, I don't want to get attached.

"Then we can switch rooms!" He said, quickly.

I narrowed my eyes into slits "I'll give it a shot, but I'm not sure..." I say

"Alas, she has agreed!" He stood up.

The door suddenly burst open. Calliope trotted in, smirking.

"Oh, hello there Aiden" she grinned "Didn't know you were here" she looked at me.

"I'm always here" he says, he sat on my window seat and took my book "In fact, I live here now"

"Nice" she says, giggling.


A/N: And that is it! I thought I'd end it on a happy note!


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