@bubblegummyumm: Megan

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1. Where are you from?

 I am being  vague here but Southern California :{ D 

2. How did you find out about Wattpad?

I just happened to stumble across the app on my ipad. 

3. Why did you make an account?

 I wanted to read other people's stories and thought down the road I will start writing my own stories.

 4. What is your favourite book (not one on Wattpad), and why?

"I'd Tell You I love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You" series by Ally Carter. I really like this series because it is so pro-girls and has (excuse my language) kick-ass girl power. I am also a hopeless romantic and think the love story in this particular book is so cute and in a way relates to many girls around the world, with wanting someone but cannot have him/her.

5. What is your favourite book on Wattpad, and why?

I would have to say "I'm dating him to piss off my parents. I didn't mean to fall in love with him!" by AthenasAngel is my favorite book on wattpad. I think I love this story because it was the very first story I read on wattpad and I can on some levels relate to the main character in a way. No I have never dated a bad boy, yet... Hahaha nah, I go for guys who are adorable, down to earth and funny, yah the very opposite. 

6. Who is your favourite Wattpad author, and why?

Okay despite that I have read so many wonderful stories on wattpad, believe it or not I do not have a favorite wattpad author, still searching folks.

7. Who is your favourite non-Wattpad author, and why?

Me! Just kidding, I am not that ego-tistacal. (Is that a word? I hope so.(A/N: It is Megan!)) Well aside from the amazing Ally Carter, I really like Lisi Harrison. Harrison wrote the ever expanding series "The Clique" Yah, there was a movie made, and guess what, yah I watched it with a close friend Sharon, who was as hooked into the series as were I. Yah, I read a lot of books when I was in high school, not so much now being in college and all, too busy being a hermit living in a cave. So that is why my still fav authors are from writers of teen novels.

8. Tell us a little about the book you're currently writing. (Make sure to include the link!)

My very first story on wattpad, is what I am currently working on. Finally, after all this time, I created Single and Mingling (for how long?). Has seven chapters so far. It's genre is romance and is a mix of fiction and non-fiction. In those seven chapters is about a college student named Jessica. Jessica is a 5'5 chocolate eyed and haired boy magnet. She attempts and successfully stays single in her first year of college in order to live a more mature way of living and to get one step closer to her goal, getting into her dream college. Unfortunately for this goody-too shoes, the magnet is so intense that she gets pulls from her ex in high school, boys that she runs into and the dream boat charmer. Jessica tries to stick to her new way living because, all that partying, hang-outs, concerts, popularity and cool parents was supposed to be a high school thing. Jessica is single and mingling but for how long?

The link: http://www.wattpad.com/5363506-single-and-mingling-for-how-long        

9. What is your favourite thing about Wattpad?

 I like the fact that this is a place for amateur writers to publicly post their wonderful stories for people around the world, who has access to the internet of course, to read it. I have friends who write great stories, but how is that story going to be read if you keep it all cooped up in a journal? So I tell them, let the story get exposed out there in the web for people to read and fall in love with the story, like what happened to me.

10. If you could change something about Wattpad, what would it be?

Wattpad needs no change, in my opinion, no construction and hard hats required here!

11. Besides Wattpad, writing or reading, what is your favourite past time?

In my spare time, when I am not caved in my home studying, I like to: go to concerts, hang with my high school buddies, swim, shop, go to the beach and bike, play video games and dance horribly in my room.

12. What is your life's ambition?

My major is nursing, in the process of getting my pre-reqs and g.e. done. After working as a nurse for a while I would see it if I continue to pursue medicine or take a whole different route and change my major. A few years down the road, I hope to travel to Australia, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Tiwan and Philippines. Really just wanna live my life the way I want it to be and follow this motto/mantra: Sometimes you just got to be bold and daring, so stut your stuff!

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