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1.Where are you from?


2.How did you find out about Wattpad?

My mobile phone. When I was on the Android Market searching for a reading application when I found Wattpad.

3.Why did you make an account?

Well, I wanted to start writing ,so I decided to make an account. But it took me one year to start writing in here cause I am busy reading stories xD

4.What is your favourite book ( not on Wattpad ) and why?

I have no favourite book because I love every book that I have brought. Haha...

5.What is your favourite book on Wattpad and why?

Every book on Wattpad I read is AWESOME!

6.Who is your favourite Wattpad author, and why?

No favourite. I think every author is coolio!=D

7.Who is your favourite non- Wattpad author and why?

Also no, I buy books not seeing who wrote it. =)

8.Tell us a little about a book you are currently writing.

I am currently writing a story called Love Letters. It is about a girl who couldn't be with the guy she likes. This story is cliché. Girl falling for a popular guy. But he didn't know it. This story inspiration is from my friend. Sadly, they are not together. The girl just went away , overseas I mean. http://www.wattpad.com/story/2510619-love-letters

9.What is your favourite thing about Wattpad?

It gives people chance to write and a place to showcase their works. Just for fun or as a hobby.

10.If you could change something about Wattpad, what could be it?

Nothing. It is perfect as it is.=)

11.Besides Wattpad, reading or writing, what is your favourite past time?

I love hanging out with my friends, swimming although I am not a good swimmer and Tumblring. Is that even a word? xD (Ed's note: Eh, don't think so...)

12.What's your life's ambititon?

Be an air stewardess and marine biologist. Oh! And goes travel to places I want to go.

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