That's what she said. Masson's POV

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I got off my motorcycle and placed the helmet on the seat as I helped Kelsey with her helmet. It is the beginning of senior year and I cannot believe I have a girlfriend. What was I thinking? Will that ruin my reputation? Kelsey gave me a gentle smile and intertwined her hand in mine as we walked up to my friends.

Everybody was there. The normal blonde girls that couldn't leave me and my friends alone, all the football players and all the people that smokes. I don't do that though. I am on the football team so I hang with them and of course Kelsey should join me as she is my girlfriend. I cringed at that thought. Kelsey met all my friends over the summer and most of them will shove me in the ribs and ask me if I needed mental help for having a girlfriend. I just think I got sunburned.

We greeted everybody with high fives and Jakes were showing off some of his football moves that he learned over the summer. Nothing new I have not seen before. All the dumb blondes are staring Kelsey down. I rested my arm over her shoulders, scared that if I looked away from her she would be eaten alive. At least Kelsey got along with my friends and all my friends got over the fact that I had my first girlfriend. They think it won't last. I don't either.

I kissed Kelsey goodbye as the bell rang and made my way to homeroom. I have homeroom with most of my friends and we usually sit at the back and make jokes with each other. The day went by really quickly and when I blinked my eyes it was time for lunch.

I grabbed a soda can from the machine and made my way to Matt and Kat. Kat is a cool chick and she at least doesn't talk about herself like most of the girls. We got along pretty well and that is not just because she is dating my best friend. I wanted to sit with my football friends but Kelsey insisted that we sit with Matt and Kat because she got along with them really well. I kind of agreed because I wasn't in the mood for the blonde girls that kept leaning over our table so that we can see their clevage. It is sometimes hot but I am a little tired of it. David calls them the playboy mansion girls and it seemed everybody called them that but they didn't care. They would dress like those girls and if you are in the mood for something hot then they would be first at your doorstep. I want adventure. I want to chase something. All the girls just jump on me before I even know of their existence.

Kelsey ate her chips in silent before she almost choke on them when she remembered that she had to meet with the principal at lunch time. Something about her school schedule. She left me alone with the two lovebirds that couldn't get enough of each other.

Matt whispered something in Kat's ear. "Aaaaww baby...I love you too!" She said with a giggle and I just glared at them. "Can you guys please just go rent a room or something. You make me sick." I said in a disgusted tone before leaning back into my chair. They quickly looked at me, totally forgetting that I was in their presence. Matt just gave me an apologetic look.

He pulled himself out of his love comfort before he took a sip of his juice. " is it going with you and Kelsey?" He asked with a smug look on his face. I leaned forward with my hands on the table. "Great. It couldn't go better." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah...except the playgirls doesn't think so." She nods her head in the direction of the blondes. I just roll my eyes at Kat.

"I don't care about them. I have a girlfriend now and I intend to keep it that way." I said with a smile. "Oh so you are intend to date her for a long time?" He asked with a pained expression on his face that seemed he wanted to burst out in laughter. My blood was boiling inside my body as my eyes burned straight into his.

"Yes you idiot! We have been dating over the summer and I am happy. I want to try this dating thing and it is going great. I will be dating her for a long time."
They both looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. "Carson doesn't seem to think so." Matt laughed while Kat joined in and high fived him.

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