Brand New Look

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Oh my goodness! Don't I look totally hot and valuable. Staring in the mirror at my reflection, I looked at my silky little black number and my stunning hair that fell perfectly in waves down my back. 

Taking in a deep breath and swaying my dress from side to side, I eyed my body closely from bottom to top. Black heels, brown legs and different hair seems like the right way to go even if it didn't feel quite like me. 

Usually my hair were up in a high ponytail but after being at the hairsalon for three hours, I stared at a reflection I didn't recognize but at the same time it felt good to see some change. Eyeing my hair strictly I now looked at a grown girl with black and blonde highlights and my hair were cut just underneath my armpits. Felt oddly uncomfortable to not have long hair anymore that hung down to the waist.

My hands were neatly pedicured, something I have never done before and my heart took some sort of a leap. Firstly, I had to beg my mother for a change and a little later she agreed by first asking my father's permission and secondly she was not fond of the look just as much as I was. Don't get me wrong . . . she loved the hair and the nails but my clothing looked like I was working a night time job on the corners. That remark reminded me of something. The girls in my school. 

They would make this look work without having confidence but since I live in a shell, I seem to not belong here at all. Not even in this sassy shop where you don't have to be embarrassed to purchase five different lingerie sets that makes even my mother turn like a cherry tomato. My mother did ask me why the sudden change because she barely recognizes me, so I opened up to her just to the point where I told her I have to teach someone a lesson. She seemed worried but her last remark made me think before we continued on the road home. 

“Sweetie, you look great but I hope this is worth it and it doesn't blow up in your face.” 

Laying in bed that night, thinking about my selfish act because all the reason I'm doing this is because to get a rise out of Masson and just to let some people, in particularly Zoe, know that nobody walks all over me. A lot of trouble just for that, right? 

I stared at my small red light flickering on my phone before I grabbed it to just clear the notifications otherwise that light will bother me continuously. Scrolling through the messages of Kat, obviously worried that I will do something stupid and that whole scene at the diner, she had reason to be worried. I mean . . . look at me. I look great and I feel great but not in the way I wanted to feel. To be honest . . . I changed into a slut. I look like one of the girls Masson usually sleeps with or just binge on the couch while he grabs the side of my ass.

Even though I did sleep with him three years ago . . .  this was not the sort of reputation I would want. Realizing only now . . . maybe people will spread rumours that I only changed my look so Masson would notice me again. Well . . . looking like a slut, being told I should change by a slut and mostly these rumours will be spread by sluts of our school . . . so which one is worse because to me all of this is horrible and terrible. 

Feeling already nauseous and a little sick I saw that Masson left four missed calls and one message. 

“Carson, if you change one hair on your body you better not come to school tomorrow. You know what I'm capable of.”

You know, I felt bad but this was exactly the push I needed to get a little confidence to pull off this look. Didn't think I had the guts but this just did it. All thanks to sweet, innocent Masson. I simply replied back …

“Is that a threat? Bring it on babe!”

I muted the notifications and threw my phone on the night stand. The moonlight was bouncing from my face to the wall and a sly smile formed on my face. Someone in the corner of my room would've thought this was creepy as shit. He just keeps pushing me to the edge. Now I have enough confidence in me to wear my sexy little black number. School tomorrow will be entirely different. 

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