Party time

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Kat drove with me home, seeing that Masson told me after school that he was going with Matt and they will meet us at the party. Kat wanted to go shop for the party but I told her that she was going on her own if she wanted to do that. There was only one option left for her . . . my closet. I agreed that she could wear some of my clothes to the party but she has to give it back. Half of my entire closet is at her house.

She was busy styling her hair when I lay on my bed and wondered what this evening held in for me. How was I going to make out with someone if I’ve never even kissed anyone before? My only kiss ever was with Masson and that was three years ago and the other day when I attempted to break up him and Kelsey. I haven’t seen her much since she told me she wasn’t angry. I was still very relieved that she didn’t hate me. I was busy tangling my hair through my fingers when Kat threw her blouse at me. “What did you do that for?” I asked, throwing the blouse back at her after she almost made me fall of the bed. “Are you still thinking about tonight?” she asked while chuckling. “Yes I am. How am I going to make out with a guy if Masson is the only one I’ve ever kissed?” I asked her with trembling hands. My hands were really shaking. I really don’t know why I also get nervous so easily. I mean . . . it’s just one kiss in front of him. Nothing bad about that right? Kat walked over to me and placed both of her hands on either side of my head. “Girl, you’ve got this and in any way I am excited to see what he will do when he sees that.” she said with excitement while shaking my head from left to right. “Of course you would be excited! My stomach is in a twist. I have no idea how he will act. I don’t even know if I can kiss someone.” I said after she let go of my head. “If he leaves you alone after you kissed someone than you will know he doesn’t care what you do but if he’s angry than you know he likes you. Just try it Carson. What do you have to lose?” she asked happily. I don’t know . . . maybe my dignity.

After a while of stressing and thinking what I’m going to do at the party tonight Kat brought me out of my thoughts once again. “Carson . . . what’re you wearing tonight?” she said, jumping up and down on my bed. I must really be in a daze because she was just in front of my closet and now she was jumping on my bed. I shrugged my shoulders at her and sank deeper into my sheets. “Oh no baby girl . . . . Come on. I will pick out your outfit for tonight. Masson won’t know what hit him.” She said while walking back to the closet and rummaging through my clothes. “I don’t want to impress anyone Kat. He doesn’t exactly want to tell me why he keeps talking to Audrey and it doesn’t even look innocent.” I said, rising from my bed and walking towards my bedroom door. “Wait!” she yelled and I almost broke my neck when the sudden noise filled the silence. I turned around and looked towards her, seeing that she was holding black jean shorts with a flowing black top. “If this doesn’t scream revenge than I don’t know what will.” She said excitedly. I eyed her suspiciously before shaking my head. “No Kat. That top flows too much. I don’t want to be seen as a slut. There is no way I’m wearing that.” I demanded.

She just rolled her eyes and made her way towards me. “Carson . . . you know there are girls that almost wear nothing, right? Comparing to this little sexy outfit you look like a nun.” She said, waving her hand in the air as if it’s nothing. I don’t usually wear this flowing top but the two items look good together. Wait . . . Am I really considering this? I guess so.

After I agreed to wear her choice of clothing she did our happy dance and this time I joined her. Firstly, she took a shower and after she had been in there for an hour, I got the chance to shower. I came out of the bathroom and then she gave me a horrified look. I stopped in my tracks and gave her the exact same look back. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked her slowly. “Do you even wash all of your body parts? You shower like ten minutes than you’re done.” She said with a gasp and placed a hand over her heart. This girl’s really an idiot but she’s my idiot. “I wash every body part on me but you shower for like more than half an hour. I don’t even want to know what you do in there.” I said laughing. “If you want to look as good as me then more than half an hour is necessary. Come sit here.” She said, patting the chair in front of my mirror. We were so into talking about showering that I didn’t even notice that she was already dressed.

She had my silver high heels on, black skinny jeans, a white tank top and my black leather jacket. Her hair was loose with curls and her make-up was done fabulously. She is very talented and I think she mentioned one time that she wants to go into the beauty industry. She will be an excellent stylist and make-up artist. She made my hair into a beautiful bun at the back of my head and put a plait around the bun. She pulled out some loose hair and let it hang at either side of my head. I told her to put my hair either in a ponytail or a bun because I wasn’t in the mood for my hair to keep falling into my face tonight. She touched my face up with a little make-up which includes mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss and a bit of blush. I pulled on my outfit after that and she let me wear my black high heels with a broad heel. There was at least hope that I won’t fall on my face in front of everybody tonight. I applied some cream to my legs and arms and I had to give it to her . . . my body really looks good in this outfit.

We tidied up my room after we finished ourselves and made our way to the kitchen. “How late does the party start?” I asked casually, opening the fridge and taking out the orange juice. “It starts at eight but you know everybody will be there at seven-thirty.” She said while shrugging. I nodded my head at her and poured us some juice. “You want something to eat?” I asked Kat and then the phone rang. “Answer that. I’ll make us some fries.” She said with a smile and took out the bag of fries from the freezer. I made my way to the telephone and answered it. “Hello, Carson residence.” I waited for the person to answer. “Hey sweetie. How is everything? Is Masson taking good care of you?” I smiled mentally when I heard my mother’s voice over the phone. “Hey mom, yes everything is perfect. I just miss you guys a lot. Masson and I are going to a party tonight with Kat and Matt.” I said excitedly. There was a little bit of silence before she spoke. “Just be careful honey. Remember . . . don’t drink. Let Masson take good care of you. Boys nowadays take advantage of girls like you.” Here we go again. “Yes mom I know. I will be with Masson the entire night and I won’t drink. How’s the people over there?” I asked, desperately in need to change the subject.

“It’s good. We are enjoying ourselves. The food here is brilliant.” She said and I could hear in her voice that she’s busy bragging about the great food their eating. “Gee thanks mom. I feel a lot better to hear that.” I said sarcastically and even though she can’t see me I roll my eyes. “I’m not worried about you my love . . . I have taught you well to provide for yourself. I hope you are feeding Masson enough.” I really wish I could tell her that Masson and I weren’t really in a relationship but she will be super mad and as a punishment she will let me stay with Aunt Merry for a week. “Yes mom, I am feeding him enough.” I said shyly. I kind of liked the idea that she thinks we are dating. Luckily we aren’t because he’s an idiot and I don’t trust him one bit. “Okay honey!” my mom yelled in the background. “Baby, I have to go. Your father and I have reservations with our boss for tonight. Be good and I mean really good. I’m too young to become a grandmother.” She sang happily over the phone and instantly my face started to heat up. “Bye mom!” I yelled over the phone before disconnecting the line. Kat took the last of the fries out of the oven and turned towards me with a smirk on her face. “From the colour of your face I’m assuming your mother said something embarrassing?” I gave her a look that indicates that she doesn’t want to know so we ate our food in silence.

Half an hour passed when we goofed around and ate our chips happily when she almost choked on her fries. “What? What’s the matter?” I asked her with concern in my voice. “That’s what’s the matter!” she shrieked and pointed towards the clock on the kitchen wall. I gasped a little when I saw what the time was. It was twenty past eight. I quickly grabbed the plates and put it in the sink and ran to grab my purse. Kat was already outside waiting for me so I got in the driver’s seat and drove down the street towards Michael’s house. Masson and Matt went to the party together and Kat and I. We drove for ten minutes before we stopped outside of his house. We jumped out of the car and as I locked the car I noticed that the house was full of people. Inside and outside. I walked over to Kat’s side and linked our arms together because I was afraid that we might get separated when passing through all of these people. We slowly walked across the street and made our way to the front door.

We passed drunken teenagers, teenagers that were busy making out and a lot of people dancing and screaming to the music outside in the garden. Luckily we missed all of the people that tried to hang onto us or talk to us with their smelly breaths. The party has been on for more than half an hour and most people were drunk. We made our way inside of the house to see streamers and balloons everywhere. Isn’t balloons supposed to be at a kids birthday party? As we entered the house we saw a lot of the furniture were moved towards the walls. We walked through the living room and came across another hallway that led to other rooms. We walked down a staircase and came to the centre of the party. There were disco lights and colourful lights swinging around the room. The music was great and everybody enjoyed themselves. “Where are Matt and Masson!” I tried to yell over the loud music and Kat pulled me out towards the swimming pool. The music almost ruined my ears but as soon as we arrived outside, my ears were relieved. I shook my head a little bit to clear my head from the echo’s that was ringing in my ears.

After I regained myself I noticed that Kat was missing. I looked around confused and tried to see over the heads of all the other people but unfortunately I am too short. I pushed through them and came across a long table with drinks on. Well I might as well get something to drink while I search for Kat. I grabbed a red cup and poured in some juice. I knew it was juice because I first smelled it. There was vodka mixed with juice, brandy and some shooters. The juice was probably for the underage girls that was there. I took a sip of the delicious juice and admired the lovely taste in my mouth when someone put an arm over my shoulders. I froze at first and then my gaze went from the hand up to the face of the person. Sean . . . one of the guys that waited for me to give him a lap dance. “Can you please not do that? I’m not a friend of yours.” I said slowly while pushing his arm off. “Come on baby . . . forget about the other night. We were just joking with you. All forgotten by now. Why don’t you join me in the kitchen where I can give you a real drink and then we can chill and hang out together.” He said with a smirk. I stared up at him and pursued my lips. Before I could reply another arm made its way over my shoulders. What is it with everybody that thinks they can do this? I turned my head towards the person that caused my irritated mood and saw that Masson was smirking down at me. A calm feeling made its way to my heart and I gave him a small smile. I would rather let him be the one to hang on me than anybody else. “Is there a problem here Sean?” he asked with a warning in his voice. Sean gave him a smirk and slowly shook his head. “Good . . . because Carson is here with me and I don’t intend to let her out of my sight.” He said to Sean and I knew that was a warning to stay away from me, loud and clear. “Whatever you say Devlin.” He said and with that he turned on his heel and went to flirt with some other girls.

“Thanks.” I mumbled towards Masson. “No problem. Let’s go.” He said with a smile and pulled me through the crowd. We walked until we stopped in front of Matt and Kat. They were seated on a sunbed and were making out like crazy. I gave her a little push and she glared daggers into the person’s eyes for interrupting their make out session. When she saw it was me her eyes quickly softened a bit. “You left me all alone!” I said loudly. “No I didn’t. I told you I saw them and made my way over to them and then you weren’t with me. “She said defensively. “Why didn’t you come look for me then?” I snapped back towards her. “Masson got a little bit worried and already left to go and find you before I could leave.” She said with a wink. “Well at least you saved me because Sean was really trying to get me to chill with him.” I said and Masson’s expression changed with every word that left my mouth. “Be careful around him. He’s a ladies man and he will do anything to get a girl . . . even if the girl is against it.” He said in a low voice. I wanted to ask him what he meant but realized that this wasn’t the time or place to ask such questions. I just wanted to enjoy the night with my friends.

We spent the entire evening together. We fooled around and chilled at the pool. Kat and I danced to a few songs and got a lot of cheers from the crowds. Kat didn’t drink and neither did Masson but Matt dived into the alcohol when he arrived at the party. He drank slowly so he didn’t get wasted quick. Every time a guy looked towards my way Masson would pull me closer towards him. “Did you think who you’re going to make out with?” Kat asked while we made our way towards the kitchen to get more juice and snacks. “I don’t know. I don’t think I want to do it. I don’t want to piss him off.” I said truthfully. “Really now? It’s just for the fun. Try it with somebody that you know he will get angry with.” She said with an evil grin. At that moment my gaze travelled around the kitchen and landed on Toby. “What about him?” I gestured with my eyes towards Toby and Kat gave me an excited smile. “Yes! That will have him on his toes.” Do I really want to do this? I mean he was the one that was first in line to receive a lap dance. He looks in anyway a little drunk so maybe he won’t remember it. I can just talk with him or dance with him. Just for Masson to see than I can leave him alone.

“Are you sure I’m doing the right thing?” I asked her, my voice just above a whisper. “Yes . . . just do it quick than you can make an excuse to leave or maybe Masson will stop it before it goes any further.” She said reassuringly. I walked with my juice out of the kitchen and saw Toby on the dance floor with girls. Kat took my glass from my hands and nodded her head towards me. I looked over at the couches and saw that Masson and Matt were chilling with some of their friends. I took in a deep breath and slowly paced over to the dance floor. I stepped in front of Toby and danced with him to the beat of the music. I placed my hands around his neck and I could see he was a little startled at first but after a while he placed his hands around my waist and moved with my body. At least he didn’t push me away because that would’ve been embarrassing. He smirked down at me while he turned me around in circles and I started to notice that we were the only two on the dance floor as people just stared at us. Toby turned me in circles again when I bumped into a hard chest. I felt the muscles through the leather jacket and slowly tilted my head upwards. “Get lost Toby!” he snapped at him. “What’re you doing Carson?” he asked, turning his gaze back at me. I gave him a nervous smile before shrugging. “I’m dancing . . . is it a sin?” I asked him innocently. He chuckled slightly before answering me. “No . . . taunting me is. If you wanted to see if you can get a reaction out of me then you successfully succeeded.” He said with a smirk. I could feel my face heat up from his words. At least now I know he cares about me. For the rest of the night we talked to a few people and Masson didn’t dare to let me out of his sight.

“Carson . . . come with me to the bathroom.” Kat asked lazily while pulling me out of Masson’s grip. “Why can’t you go alone?” Masson asked her and narrowed his eyes at her. “I’m going to bring her back idiot. We’ll be five minutes.” Kat seemed to reassure him as he loosened his grip on me. Kat gave him a smile before pulling me towards the staircase. We missed a lot of drunk people that tried to hang onto us and safely made it to the bathroom. I washed my face with cold water while Kat used the toilet. “Now we know he likes you.” She said happily and tried to do our happy dance in her high heels but failed as she almost broke her neck. “Let’s go . . .otherwise Masson will be in here looking for us.” I said laughing. We made our way downstairs and into the entertainment room when I saw it. I froze in my footsteps and Kat bumped into me. “Carson . . . what’s . . .” she tried to say but got cut off with the image in front of her. On the couches were Masson and Audrey busying having a casual conversation and they even seemed to enjoy each other’s company. “Why doesn’t he just want to tell me what they’re talking about?” I asked Kat with frustration in my voice. “Maybe they are just talking about the party.” Kat said with a fake smile. “Yeah . . .  party my ass.” I said with anger. I watched them a little bit longer when I had enough. “You know what . . . Let’s drink.” I said and with those final words I made my way towards the kitchen.

I came into the kitchen and grabbed the first bottle of vodka I see. I poured some into a red cup and started to drink it. “Carson, please don’t do this. Let’s just go home.” Kat came hurriedly into the kitchen and tried to grab the glass from me. “No join me please. I will be fine and I will only mingle with people we know.” I turned on my heel and left the kitchen to go and socialize. If Masson can talk to someone I don’t like, then so can I. I know we aren’t dating but he doesn’t want to tell me what he and Audrey constantly talks about. If it’s nothing than he would just tell me and not hide it or brush it off as if it’s nothing. With every thought about the two of them, I kept drinking the vodka. I ended up talking to some playgirls and even ended up talking to Sean again. “Carson I didn’t expect you to drink. Where’s Masson?” he asked while looking around as if he’s going to see Masson. “He’s with Audrey so I am all yours. Let’s go chill and talk.” I linked our hands together and pulled him into the kitchen. “Won’t Masson be mad that you’re here with me?” he asked. “No don’t worry about him. You’re nice. I like you.” I told him and I only think I’m saying this because I feel a little bit wasted. He gave me a smirk and took the glass from me. “I want you to remember that tomorrow morning when you wake up.” He said with a smile and leaned in for a kiss. My eyes widened a bit and I stared at his lips. I quickly placed my index finger over his mouth and giggled. “No . . . get me a drink first. I will be in there and you bring the drink.” I said while pointing at the entertainment room. “Fine . . . I will get you a drink and then we can carry on where we left off.” He said with a wink and with that he disappeared into the hallway. Seems like maybe I’ll get to kiss someone tonight after all.

I walked into the entertainment area and danced around with all the other people. Half of them I really don’t even know. I danced a while when I almost lost my balance when someone pulled on my arm. I pulled my arm from their reach and looked up to see an upset Kat. “What . . . what’re you doing? Can’t you see I’m enjoying my-myself?” I said, already feeling my tongue going numb. I am really not sober anymore. “Carson . . . that’s enough. We have to go now. Please.” I narrowed my eyes at her as if she turned into a double version of herself. Before I wanted to answer Sean appeared and handed me a drink. It was a white drink in a fancy glass and it was sizzling. I turned the glass around in my hand and started to laugh. “Why is my drink sizzling?” I asked through my laughter. It looked as if you threw in a big pill and now it’s dissolving in the water. Kat’s eyes almost fell out of her head and with that she quickly ran away. What the heck is her problem?

I danced with Sean and I took a sip of my drink. This tasted good . . . “Let’s go somewhere else. People won’t bother us upstairs.” Sean said and led the way to the staircase. I walked after him but slowed my pace when I instantly didn’t feel well. Oh my gosh . . . it feels as if my whole world is spinning. I grabbed onto the wall and steadied myself but even the wall felt as if it was sliding out from under me. I felt nauseous and I could hear the music fade away from me. Sean appeared in front of me and placed my arm over his shoulder as he quickly led us to the staircase. “It wasn’t supposed to be working this quick.” I heard Sean mumble but he sounded so far away. My legs were trembling and somewhere I could hear people screaming. “Hey!” I heard someone yell. Sean picked up his pace and I tried to break loose from his grip but he only tightened it. Then it hit me. That was what was sizzling . . . he drugged my drink. What is he going to do to me? I tried to pull away as hard as I could and before we made it to the top of the steps I felt Sean being ripped away from me.

The next thing I knew I saw Sean falling down the stairs, someone screaming my name and then the drug became too strong for me. I tried to catch my breath but the drug took over my oxygen and my ability to see.

After trying to catch my breath, my knees weakened and then darkness took over my entire body.

Someone should have stayed with Masson😂😂😂 hope you are having an amazing day! Love you all so much😘😙 thank you for the reads! 🤗😆 next chapter...Masson's POV. Stay tuned!*

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