A coma, Unfamiliar voices and a kidnapping

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Oh my gosh . . . What is that smell? Is that oxygen I smell? But how on earth can I smell oxygen? Wait . . . Where am I? All I see is darkness and I feel absolutely nothing. How come? I tried moving my fingers . . . nothing. I tried opening my eyes . . . nothing. I even tried screaming but nothings working. I must probably be lying down or something because I don't feel the ground underneath my feet. All I can hear is the rustling of feet around me and then they fade away. I'm really thinking about where I am than how I actually got to here . . . wherever I am . . .

Then it hit me. Sean, the drink and the dizziness in my head that I got from that drug. That idiot drugged me without my consent. What if I am still drugged? What if I am somewhere in his house and he did things to me? Please . . . please . . . please let that not be the case. I have no pain anywhere so where the hell am I and what's going on? The last thing I remember is Sean taking me upstairs, someone yelling my name and Sean falling to the floor. Maybe someone saved me? I don't know. Maybe someone is caring for me in this time but how long was I unconscious? Never mind that . . . I'm still unconscious. I must be lying in someone's bed and sleeping. I tried fluttering my eyes open but I had no success. The drug must be wearing off and maybe the oxygen I smell is because I have it on. They must've given me oxygen to help me better. It seems I won't be able to breathe on my own if I didn't have the oxygen on.

What's that faint noise in the distance? 'Beep . . . beep . . . beep . . .' Sounds like a machine that's monitoring something. That sounds like a heart rate machine. It must be monitoring my heart rate. Okay so then it's obvious. I'm in a hospital . . . but who put me here? Who brought me here and again . . . how long have I been here? At least I'm at peace that I know I'm somewhere safe. After a while of listening to the beeping of the machine . . . my mind drifted off to the event that got me here in the first place. I'm chilling and very comfortable with where I am because I know I'm safe. If I get a hold of Sean he will pay for what he did. I wonder what happened to him . . . Kat must've been so worried. Masson is probably furious with me. He told me earlier that night that I should stay away from Sean because he is trouble and now I know why. People must think I am so stupid. Everybody knows that Sean doesn't date because of the player he is. Now I'm the fool. After drowning myself in my embarrassment . . . I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Sweet mash potatoes . . . Where are the oxygen? Why is it extremely hard for me to breathe? The air is there but not as comfortable as it was before. I still cannot move. Can somebody please just help me! I felt like fidgeting around but I still cannot do anything. Did they put me in a coma or something because this can't take that long? Wait . . . I'm not alone. The sun is shining through the curtains because I can see the specs of orange and I can feel the heat on my face. How did I know I was not alone . . . because someone kept moving around the bed? The figure was so close to me I can feel their body heat on me. Is it a doctor or a nurse? Can't they see I'm struggling to breathe? Help! Help! I kept screaming that in my head because again . . . I can't move. My touch came back at least so we're making progress. I can feel the comfy sheets I'm currently laying on, the needle in my air and something around my big toe. That should be the heart rate monitor.

On that moment someone began touching my arm. They were brushing one of their fingers up and down my arm. Why are they doing that? A doctor can't do that, can they? Maybe they're testing for something? Carson . . . you are such an idiot. If they want to feel your temperature then they will feel your forehead. They kept brushing their finger gently until they stopped. Where did this person go now? Maybe it's Masson . . . or Kat? No Kat would at least talk even if she knew I won't be able to hear her. Somehow I am feeling a sudden fear in my stomach. On that moment I heard a door crack open and some footsteps getting close. Okay . . . so here must be two people in here. Are they together? Not one of them is talking. I wanted to scream and open my eyes because I could really feel eyes on me. Yet again . . . I couldn't open my eyes because I don't know what they did with me. I was still trying to catch my breath because I cannot breathe . . . it's so damn hard.

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