My third Tagged

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I don't have the Picture of the questions

Someone tagged me to these questions and I'll do it.

1. Meaning behind the username

Good question as in my real name or the name of twilightdusk
Well my sister thought of a name of twilightdusk when I was playing school of dragons online so I loved it but sometimes I change it to twilight Uchiha

2. Fav book

I have a lot of fav books I have read I guess I have to choose one it's mending her beast (A NaLu Fanfiction) I think this person stop making stories or stopped with wattpad because she'a been gone for a long time

3. Back ground photo
Not easy for me i keep choosing my fav otp I'm guessing you me to choose I have to got with sasusakusara family from Naruto show

4.  Recommend three books

Does it mean from my books i write or someone else's but I'm going to choose someone else's because my stories suck

Try me NaLu from Anime_Star_Shipper01

Unforgivable ( fairytail next gen) from Analy286

Trapped: A sword art online fanfic from ElliePlays2004

5. What types of books I wright

I like to wright Sasusaku and NaLu the most

6. Wattpad secrets
What does that i mean I really don't know I'm going to guess

I'm not giving out anyone secrets who ever tell me their secrects because actually I will forget the secrect anyways.


You guys can do the tag if you want too

Now bye 😂

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