My fithteen Tag

18 5 22

Got tagged by CapricornSiren

This is going to be a long one

This is going to be a long one

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1. What color do you talk in?.

Ug why um I really don't know I do wear pink jackets all the time is that good enough.

2. What songs do you think people remember by?.

I don't care for this question I just let people pick the song what ever they think of me.

3. If you can take claim for any invention, which will it be?.

I very good question but theres a lot out there too but I don't like claiming things I that I didn't invent. But the question wants a answer I guess I'll give it out.

My answer is nothing

Just kidding its video games

Wait is that invention thing I really dont know anymore.

Okay I choose tv there happy

4. Radio or mp3?.

I like both tho because radio tells you want news songs come out and for mp3 I get to chose what songs I want to play too.

Okay I need to answer going for mp3

5. What movie character would you choose to be your parent and why?.

Why do I have to explain about this questions this makes the tag longer 😂

Okay I like lots of movie but does anime movies count?

I really need a lot thought into this question.

But wait a parent do I have to choose from mom and a dad. 😶

Can I do one each maybe if not leave a comment so I can delete

Okay for a mother is

Why because she always care for her friends like I do but idk about the cooking tho I'm not a cooker.

For a dad is

Why because he always wants fun and I want fun too but not to be destructive like him or eating alot. But I like jokes and I sometimes stupid too.

6. If people floated instead of walking, who far off the ground would you be?.

Easy not very high I'm terrified by heights so probably high as a bed like above the bed.

7. Choose a song yo live off?.

Come on another hard one.


Um I choose old town road


It's actually closer by chain smokers ft. Halsey

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