My Twelfth Tagged

44 7 57

Hehe sorry I sorry I didn't do this tag I was busy.

Got tagged by BakugouKastuki

Got tagged by BakugouKastuki

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Ummmmmm........ Theses question is missing the number 8?????????????
Oh well I'm still going order

1. Full Name

Kayla Quinette Adrianse

2. Current Crush

Um I got no crush

I just only love my boyfriend

3. Addiction

Hmmm I have a lot

Maybe its reading I do always read a lot on wattpad I can't go without a day without reading or wattpad

4. How tall am I

Well iam kinda close to 5 foot so maybe 4.11 or something Yeah iam short people think I'm like 12 it 13 year old even though I'm 19.

5. Relationship Status

Still doing great with my boyfriend me and him have been dating close to 3 or 4 years I have kinda lost count.

6. Girls I trust

My wattpad girlfriend's

From school before I graduated
Emma, my twin Kayla, Alyssa, Riley, Selena, Anastasia, Claire, Natalie, Angel

I know there's more I can't remember

7. Boys I trust

Oh dear this is a tough one.

Um one is actually my boyfriend

Some of my wattpad friends

From school Dominic and another Dominick Nathan Ryan Paul Chris

I know theres more I can't remember

8. Current Mood

Calm tired actually just woke up this morning

9. Favorite color

I have some favorite color but saying one and that is

10. Confessions

Huh what kind of confession love lieing or being secretive I really don't know.

But i do remember finally telling some truths to my parents when lieing though

11. Who I miss

My high school friends and my boyfriend

12. Who I last Hugged

My dog or my boyfriend can't remember

I do have habits forgetting things XD

13. Who understands me

My boyfriend my family and friends

14. Someone who always there for me

My boyfriend and friends and family again. I can't just choose one.

15. Last text

Was My boyfriend

16. What pissed me off lately

My job work

17. Who makes me laugh the most

Anyone I really don't know who anymore

18. Who do I do craziest stuff with

Boyfriend or family

19. Who makes me smile


20. What am I listening to

Actually I'm listening to nothing

21. Turn ons

I don't get it. Is it Like attitudes or something

22. Turn offs

Don't get this one either. It might be attitudes and I am not answering theses.

23. Best friends

Is the ones I talk to a lot

24. Second confess

No thanks too lazy

25. What I hate

I hate YAOI stories that's what. Mostly from anime example Narusasu or natsuxgray. Or maybe a ships I don't like together um like itachixsakura and grayxlucy

26. Who's annoying

Um I really don't know who

Can I say dogs that likes to bark outside even though when no one is there that is all quite outside.

Um well I think I answered all the questions

Well now tagging time


Enjoy your day

👋 bye

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