My Eight Tagged

20 6 3

Another tagged and almost for got to do this tag. 😂

Got tagged by Anime_Star_Shipper01

Got tagged by Anime_Star_Shipper01

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1. Clothing duh I love wearing clothes.

2. I don't have one (I dont like makeup)

3. Rose

4. I don't have a fav clothing store

5. I don't wear perfume

6. None don't like them in mostly a tennis shoes person

7. Like school grades um I'm done with school I have graduated. I usually C or B and sometimes A depends what class I'm in.

8. Pink, Red, Blue(not dark Blue), Purple, Gold

9. I don't drink energy drinks

10. Yes sometimes

11. Yes

12. No I don't

13. I don't like lotion or makeup

14. Yes duh I have a bf

15. Depends on the situation

16. Yes I love to meet a nice ghost I have always watch ghost adventures on travel channel

17. Uh I got A lot scared nights bugs losing a friend stage fright needles going the doctures sharks as in the ocean you would never know whats there. I have more but can't remember all of them.

18. Yes sometimes

19. Yes I have I almost drownes when I was a little girl.

20. I have never had coffee and I still would never drink it.

Now for the people I'll tag


I have tagged someone that already did this tag I'm sorry.

See you next tag bye

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