My Sixth Tagged

21 5 12

Got tagged by Anime_Star_Shipper01

1. Fav ship
Uh I have a lot
Sasusaku or NaLu

2. 1st anime crush
My first anime I have watch was Soul Eater so Soul was my first crush but I switched it to Sasuke from Naruto

3. Fav anime
It feels like I've answered this before but Naruto or FairyTail its hard to choose from these two.

4. What anime character you like to be
Um I would choose Natsu Lucy Sasuke and Sakura (I don't care if it has to be one because i cant just choose one)

5. 1st anime I have watched
My very first I have watch was Soul Eater
When I was in middle school in art class my friend was going to draw Soul and I asked who's that she told me I should watch Soul Eater

6. My least anime character
Lisanna from fairytail and Karin from Naruto series

7. Pic of me with my pet if not pic of you with a sad face.
Uh I shouldn't do it because my boyfriend will say something about that and I don't have my pet with me it's at my parents house right now.

8. Fav Manga
I don't read manga and I don't know where do find manga to read it.

9. Color of shirt on right now

10. Fav wattpad story
I have a lot and I don't know what to choose
I have to choose mending her beast (NaLu) but she never updated or finished the story I wish she has updated more

11. Anime of life
I don't know what it means but I'll always love anime

12. You or anime
Uh both but I like anime more

13. Anime love or real love
Real love because i have a boyfriend

14. Anime guy/girl or real guy/girl
I choose real guy/girl you know me I have a boyfriend

And i tag


Have a good day I'll work on the next tag later

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