My Seventeen Tag

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Got tagged by CapricornSiren
Thank you my friend 😇

Um I forgot who please tell me who I got tagged by that who remembers these's questions so I tag you back to tell people who I have been tagged by please and thank you

I'm sorry I got you that who ever tagged me in this one.

Okay here we go

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Okay here we go.

1. What kind of stories do you write?.

Duh I always write my fav ships it keeps me happy.

2. What are your favorite genres you like to write.

Fanfiction romance horror (as in torture slavery like dark stories) and humor

3. What was the funnest story to write.

Um are they talking about the funniest or just my fav chapter I wrote.

Oh oh maybe I think it was my hiccstrid was the easiest for me to write idk about funest tho. I'm always getting writers block so my hiccstird was easy to finish too.

4. What was the hardest story to write.

Mostly all of them but this one I'm going to start soon after my first sasusaku that is uchiha king the Lion King version of sasusaku will be kinda hard if what place and what the bad guys are going to be and stuff lots of plotting I think.

5. What's your favorite character(s) you enjoy writing about.

Sasuke and Natsu. Depends on the character from the story.

6. Described your OCs. If you don't OCs, describe the characters you write about.

Okay I think I don't have a OCs in my books but I did use lot on one OC character or not as much as write about Sasuke or Natsu

Here we go

Winter (forgot last name or maybe he didn't have one)

From(book) The broke Neko (Nalu)

He looks like brown hair winter eyes white skin or maybe little pale. Hair style like probably like edwards or jacob hair style. His face has three marks from Natsu.

7. What music do you listen while writing.

Sometimes I listen to music while writing but I usually don't. But I listen music off from my YouTube likes when ever.

8. Do you write on a computer/laptop phone/iPad.

Mostly phone but I do go on my laptop plus while on phone so I don't have to go back and fourth looking at the comment correcting my grammar issues. But yes usually phone.

9. What made you want to start writing.

When I was probably 14 or 15 I have always read strories on YouTube but I also had idea from my head I didn't know how to post my own stories to public I tried so hard to find something share my stories until I have found wattpad I always wanted to share my stories with you guys.

10. How does writing make you feel.

Well good but sometimes bad and that when the writer blocks come in all the time. But I do love writing except the grammar I always have issue with that.

Uh okay thats all the questions. I hope someone knows theses questions that who tagged me this so I can delete you that you already answered them so you don't have to do them again.

And I'm not going to tag everyone.


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