My thirteen tagged

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Annnnnnddddd another one

Tagged by swaghetti_123

Okay um it could be nice for the pic of the question but I guess not

1. The thing I can't leave my house without?

Duh my phone

2. Fav brand of a makeup?

I don't wear makeup

3. Fav flower?

Cherry blossom or red rose or pink rose

4. Fav clothes store?

Don't have one I just wear clothes of what I Like or looks interesting

5. Fav perfume?

😑 I don't wear perfume either it makes me sneeze all the time so I don't know if I'am  allergic to it.

6. Heels or flats?

😑 really I don't like them I would rather wear sneakers or tennis shoes.

7. Do you make good grades?

Iam not in school anymore already graduated since 2018 in May. But I did have b's or c's and sometimes A's

8. Fav colors?

Pink red purple blue but not dark

9. Do you drink energy drink?

I used to drink engery drinks like Powerade or Gatorade. The only thing keeps me awake is pop.

I never had coffee

10. Do you drink juice?

Only when I'm in the mood for it.

11. Do you like swimming?

Oh hell yeah but only pools and beaches not rivers beause you'll never know whats in rivers.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?

Huh no I would not it would just dirty up more dirty dishes that I have to clean.

13. Fav moisturizer?

Um no except for Eucerin but blue cap because it has no greasy feel and I don't like greasy feel from lotions.

14. Do you want to get married later life?

Yes but I'm not completely ready yet.

15. Do you get mad easily?

Yes if no one listens to me if im right and I do tell back and try to prove it to them that I am right. Or someone just irritates me.

16. Are you into ghost hunting?

Oh hell yeah again I love ghost hunting but I just don't want to go alone though.

17. Phobias?

Tons but hard to name everyone of them. Stagefright sharks scary games going to the doctures to get a shot So basicly is the needle not the docture.

18. Do you bite nails?

Only when I broke them but when I was little girl I always bite my nails but not much as before.

19. Have you ever had a near-death experience?

I think drowning from water.

20. Do you drink coffee?

No and I never had coffee. I'm sure I will never will.

Annnd done with the questions




If you have been tagged with these questions before you don't need to do the tag I just tagged you okay

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