My Eighteenth Tag

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Got tagged by Anime_Star_Shipper01

Got tagged by Anime_Star_Shipper01

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Here we go

1. Weird fact about you?.

I still don't know about a weird fact about me.

2. Favorite food?.


Yummy 😋

3. First fandom?.

As in my favorite ship?

Oh well I'll go and it is Zelink


It was my first actually even reading there stories first too from YouTube

4. Best friends?.

How not saying best friends

I'll say that everyone is my best friend even my high school ones too so where no body gets jealous. 🤗😇

Is that fair

5. Your current lock screen?.

Okay I know you guys saw my Natsu lock screen but I do intend to change it lot so this is a new one

So enjoy my lock screen.

Yeah yeah it's Hiccup from httyd 2 (How to trai your Dragon)

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Yeah yeah it's Hiccup from httyd 2 (How to trai your Dragon)

6. Favorite OTP?.

Ug with this again it's hard to choose

I guess it's Nalu

But I like all my ships tho

7. Birthday?.

March 17 2000

Idk if I should put my year oh well

8. Five fears?.

1. Sharks
2. Heights
3. Drowning
4. Needles from doctors
5. Losing everything (friends, family or lovers)

9. What you look like?.

Brown hair and blue eyes white skin.
That's all you need to know.

10. Favorite song?.

Closer by chain smokers ft Halsey

Hope I spelled her name right.

11. Why you made your account?.

When I found wattpad to share my stories duh.

12. Favorite Character ever?.

Come on favorite character of all its like no fair of other characters.

I'm going to say all in favorites

I'm not going to choose one and that's final.

13. 20 of your favorite accounts?.

Idk what this question means

Oh wait is it to tag people.

If it is im just going to tag but not all to lazy sorry if Iam.


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