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gayness: hello ladies

frnkie: stop

mikes: frank just let him live and call us ladies

gayness: wow mikey thank you

gee: mikes moms yelling your name

mikes: fuck

petey: language b

frnkie: ha

mikes: shut up frank

gayness: anyways what's up my homiesss

petey: i really want a donut

gayness: well im poor

gee: franks to lazy to do anything so

frnkie: lies

frnkie: your the lazy one

gee: true

gayness: I'm bored as fuckkkkkkkkkkkk

petey: me to

frnkie: me three

gee: not me

gayness: we should go get a Christmas tree for my house because I haven't gotten one yet

gee: why would we do that

petey: yes let's do it

frnkie: can we eat at taco bell

gayness: yes

gee: then count me the fuck in boo

mikes: what's happening

gee: figure it out bitch

gee: you can go look at the earlier text messages

gayness: oooooooooo

frnkie: shittt gee

petey: wow


(197 words)

Hi, hello, hola, how are you? Great? Great anyways I'm not sorry for not updating because I honestly don't care, sorry. This books just for fun and I update it very randomly so. We'll see ya some other time boos. -emxoxo

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