chapter 11

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**pic on the side is Leo! and the song just went so well with this so......VOTE COMMENT HOPE YOU LIKE IT^^***

“You crazy bitch, eat!” The guard squeezed my cheeks together hurting me as he tried to force the spoon inside my mouth. It’s been weeks since I’ve been in this room. Metal chains tide me to a chair that constructed from the room itself, it was in the middle of the room too, just like a prison. My gums were starting to bleed from the spoon that he kept trying to force into my mouth. I wasn’t going to eat even if it killed me. I had figured that the person who brought me here, which is the doctor, wanted me to stay alive; over the several weeks that have passed I refused to eat which ended with the guards forcing food down my stomach with tubes the went inside my mouth and into my throat, the food was grinded and mashed up together it felt so disgusting it made me throw up all over the place. They figured that was messy and didn’t work, so they’re back to force-feeding me. I wanted to puke honestly. I smelled like vomit, sweat, and tears. I probably looked like a wreck since I haven’t showered, seen sunshine, or slept in what seemed forever. I actually didn’t sleep at all since I came here, my body would sometimes shut itself down, and I would pass out for a few hours before waking up. I was brought back to reality as my eyes darted to the door.

         “Stop that’s enough, she should mange with that much.” It was the doctor that came often to torture me, or “test” me. The guard nodded, took the food and left but not before letting in the person I have been waiting to see all this time, the guy who drugged and brought me here. I glared at him with everything I had; I never have wished death upon anyone before. He looked away guiltily, how dare he, for weeks this doctor came in and performed different experiments on me. The first time I saw him he had a dagger in his hand, I thought surely I would die. I remember exactly what he said.

         “Let’s have a little fun, shall we?” He pointed the dagger’s tip at my skin and slowly dug it in sliding it down my arm making me feel unbearable pain that shot throughout my whole body. I screamed, as unwilling tears came out of my eyes.         

         “Please stop it hurts!” I let out another agonizing scream is he stabbed the palm of my hand. My body was shaking so much as I saw the other end of the dagger through my pierced hand. I was scared; my teeth were about to shatter themselves. I heard the doctors disturbing giggle and faced the direction of his attention. My eyes grew wide as the most unbelievable thing happened. The wound that was across my hand was healing right before my eyes, the skin closing, and repairing, all on its own. The doctor let out a loud laugh, he was definitely insane. He ran to grab the clipboard that was always left at the far side of the room and scribbled a bunch of notes into it then in one swift motion he took out the dagger in my hand making me scream yet again in tormenting pain, this wound healed three times faster though. I’ve seen vampires in movies heal, but experiencing it, and seeing it happen with this speed was something else. I had later on found out I can control my heeling ability. Thanks to the dear guards that beat me at any given chance, can’t blame them though, they held a grudge against me from that day I beat them inside the SUV, yes, they were the same guards.

         “Dr. Hazuki the test room is ready.” A young woman with brown hair that stopped right above her ass, and a lab coat stood at the door. She looked like a sexy librarian in a lab coat, the thing she said caught up in my mind, and I felt fear run through me. The guy I hated shot a questioning look at the doctor.

         “Bring her Leo, I don’t want her to have any chances of escaping.” I stared at Leo’s blue eyes, they reminded me an awful lot of Alex’s, an assholish eye color I figured. They shined as if a light was buried deep within them, too bad that handsome face of his brought me nothing but anger. He was going to die. Leo unlocked the chains tying me back, one after another till I was completely free. My arms were purple, bruised, and had chain marks that looked like they were there to last a lifetime. I probably had the same marks on my chest and ribs too. I have a chance, now that I wasn’t tied up with that unbreakable metal, I could finally run away! I got up in one fast motion and as soon as it started, it ended. My body felt light and my head spun as I dropped to the floor face forward.

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