Chapter 13

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**Vote comment PLZ ><**** pic is kinda how I imagined it and its my favorite drama so what the heck right?XD

The house felt like it was abandoned for years. Liam, Chris, and me cleaned around only to find enough dust to make a mini desert. Alex went out to get all their things as if they were really going to move in, I snorted. I left Leo at my room to rest, my bed was the comfiest thing in this house I %100 guarantee it! I was also safe to say he was the first man to ever sleep on my bed.

            “Caramel! You never told us how you know the guy upstairs!” Liam whined, as I crossed my arms.

            “You never told me what you meant by saying ‘I’m human!’ ” He blinked as his shoulders slumped.

            “You never asked.” I looked away hitting my head.

            “Right.” I turned around and ran tackling and tickling him at the same time. “I did now so tell me, tell me, tell me!” His laugh was so loud it was funny. He finally raised an imaginary white flag, and I got off letting him sit up right.

            “I don’t know my power, I don’t think I have one. I was experimented on just like you, Alex, and Chris, but nothing.” He looked down disappointed. I didn’t want to yell saying he was lucky he was human, he was lucky he can get out off this hell game pain free, he was lucky he could be human. I smiled and did what I do best, I told him what I know to cheer him up.

            “You do have one!” I smiled closing my eyes to see a checklist. Chris read minds, check. Alex has strength, check. Liam, he’s the smart one! I smiled and checked it off on my imaginary list of powers.

            “You’re super smart! You’re a genius!” I stood up throwing my hands to the air making him look at me like I’m crazy. Wow, that was usually my thing. “Listen to me, I have all the powers you guys have, Alex is strong, I have that. Chris can read minds, I have that. I hacked into a high security system right before you guys saved me, so you must have that!” Liam looked at me full of hope.

            “Sorry to ruin your guys moment, but can you help me here!” Chris was near the door with Alex who was holding about a trillion boxes.

            “You’ve gotta be kidding me! You’re literally moving in?” I was screaming my head off but no one listened. Jerks, I grumbled and guided them to the two rooms downstairs. The rooms were never used. They were always empty, always locked. I took out the master key and opened both. “Two of you would have to share a room since well sorry this isn’t a hotel.” I sighed not sounding sorry at all. This is seriously house abduction. I heard a creek from the roof and ran out of the room. Leo must have woken up! I opened the door to my room only to find him still lying there asleep. Clutching my shirt near my chest I put the covers over him and went out closing the door behind me. I was so worried but couldn’t even take him to the hospital fearing Dr. Hazuki might have connections there. Damn bastard, I was going to kill him at the slightest chance I get. Two arms banged onto the door locking me in between.            

            “I look away for a second, a second and you’re already gone!” Alex’s voice was loud and anger but his eyes betrayed him. They were full of nothing but sadness; the shinning glowing blue was dim and dark. He leaned his head in till his lips were almost touching my ear. “I’m sorry.” His voice was husky and so dangerously low it made me shiver. He was sorry? What for? “I was scared.” The words were so sincere as his head fell on my shoulder and electricity ran through my whole body making my heart rate jump to ten different levels. My lips parted for air but nothing was able to go in. I was so confused and somehow, without knowing it, I said something that made complete sense.

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