Chapter 14

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“He’s sleeping in your room.” I stated for what seemed the sixtieth time to Alex.

            “Ha ha, no he’s not.” He said in a singsong voice pissing me off.

            “Okay, I guess Leo can sleep in my room.” I grabbed his hand and started walking towards the stairs, but Alex grabbed Leo into a hug laughing hysterically.

            “I was kidding! He can sleep with me! We’ll even bond, right?” Alex asked Leo through gritted teeth.

            “Hey guys are we going to school tomorrow?” Liam came out of the guest bathroom half naked with only a pair of basketball shorts on. I stared wide-eyed at him, no matter how many times I saw that there was no way I’d get used to it. My heart sank at the thought of school. I thought about Emily and how it was inevitable to meet her. She brought pain to my heart just by remembering her, what will happen to me if I see her? Is she doing okay? Does she even remember that I exist or did she completely erase me from her life? My heartbeat fastened. She literally handed me over to that man because she thought I was a murderer, she didn’t know I got tortured, and broken. No one did. The only person who knew was Leo.

            “Yeah, we’re going to school tomorrow.” Alex spoke to Liam but was staring right at me making my body tense. “We all need to face someone, and it’s about time we broke out of Albert’s grip.” Alex’s tone was firm, he seemed about done with my grandfather, but Liam on the other hand looked disappointed. I held myself from reading his mind. Liam was harmless if we convinced him that grandfather is a bad person he’d understand, right? At least I hoped.

            “Guys dinner is ready!” Chris yelled from the kitchen and Leo and Alex pushed each other running to the kitchen. Wow they sure are hungry.

            “They seem to get along.” Liam’s voice was close. I looked up and saw him hovering over me looking towards the kitchen. His hair was still wet and dripping, and I faced palmed myself remembering that I forgot to put a towel in the bathroom.

            “Come with me.” I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the basement where the washers were. We had a lot of extra things because my mom believed in ‘always safe, never sorry’. I grabbed one of the bigger towels and opened it as I threw it over Liam’s head and shuffling it with my hands to dry his hair.

            “Carey wait. I can’t see.” Liam stepped backwards knocking into the washing machine and falling down groaning with pain.

            “I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” I kneeled down in front of him taking the towel out of his face. “I didn’t mean it, I just didn’t want you to get sick and your hair was wet-“ Liam burst out laughing making me shut up as I looked at him laugh. He suddenly stopped, as he brushed his hand against my cheek making me blush as he leaned in. “I was scared.” Alex’s voice echoed through my head and I got up.

            “Dinner is getting cold, it’s rude to make people wait, let’s go!” I laughed nervously walking away to the kitchen. Why did Alex’s voice just come to mind? I blushed even harder, what’s going on with me!

            “Where did you guys go?” Leo blinked at me and Liam pushing Alex off of the chair making me burst out laughing. I smiled when he pulled the chair that once belonged to Alex for me. I sat down totally ignoring Alex and stared at the lasagna in front of me; it smelled amazing. I looked up to Chris who put a plate in front of me.

            “I’m celebrating your return today.” He smiled making me all jittery inside. “And I’m sorry.” He whispered the last part into my ear. Why was he apologizing? He didn’t have anything to apologize for.

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