Chapter 17

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“You what?” Alex looked at me in confusion. I looked down my body shutting down slowly.

            “I killed them.” I looked up slowly smiling at Alex. My shoulder shook as low laughter escaped my mouth slow it built up till I was full out laughing like a mad woman. “I killed them, I killed them, I killed them, I killed them, I killed-“ Alex’s hand left a red mark on my cheek. Did he just slap me?

            “Snap out of it! Are you crazy? Killed them? You would never kill innocent people!” His yelling died down, and I felt him brush his hand against my cheek whipping away my tears. I didn’t even realize I was crying. “You didn’t kill them, I don’t know why you’re saying this, but you won’t kill them I know you.” He came closer, but I pushed him away.

            “I dreamt of this place, this is why I was going crazy looking inside the stores! I don’t have dreams I have memories!” I yelled as hard as a crying person could, but I knew I sounded pathetic. I turned around feeling a hand on my shoulder. Leo was staring at me long and hard as if looking for something inside my eyes, the truth maybe, but do any of us even know what the truth is? We were all living a lie.

            “Guys…” Chris’s voice sounded nervous, he was never nervous. I looked towards him, but he was looking behind Alex.

            “Raise your hands or we’ll shoot!” We all slowly raised our hands up in panic as men in black bulletproof suits surrounded us. When did they get here? I didn’t hear any cars, nor did I see any people. “You have been caught admitting mass murder, and will be arrested with your partners for blowing up and killing the students of Blue High.” My mouth fell open. Killing students and blowing up my own high school?

            “I didn’t blow up my high school, are you crazy!” The man readied his gun and directed it at me.

            “We didn’t do anything you fucking assholes, let us go!” I looked back and four men, two on each side, surrounded and handcuffed Chris and Liam. They were being dragged into separate black SUVs.

            “They didn’t do anything, let them go!” The sound of the gun echoed in the air as I fell on my knees. The pain in my shoulder was excruciating. He shot me! I clutched the ground so hard my fingers bleed then got up laughing. I looked straight at the man that shoot me and dug my fingers into my shoulders taking out the bullet and healing myself right in front of everyone. I wanted to make sure that they saw.

The men stood there speechless for what seemed like forever then what I believed was their leader yelled.            

            “She’s a monster!” All the men directed their guns at me. “In the name of the law of the United States we are taking you into custody, surrender!” I sighed running my hand through my hair, now the government wanted to take me? The sound of another shoot rang through the air. I closed my eyes in frustration letting out an inhuman like growl, I laughed inside my head, I sound like a werewolf. I opened my eyes looking down at my stomach; he had shot me straight in the middle. What does he think I am, a human dartboard? I reached for the wound but stopped dead in track.

            “I said surrender!” I looked up at him with cold eyes and pushed Alex out of the way walking slowly towards the fifteen or so soldiers lined in front of me.

            “No.” I smirked as I saw one of the guards shake.

            “Fire!” gunfire filled the air as bullet shot threw me one after another. My arms, legs, neck, and chest all had more then one bullet inside of them. I didn’t feel anything, nor did I stop. I continued walking till I reached their boss and snapped his neck off.

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