Behatar and Avar?

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I sat on some of the comfy seats in the blue time machine after walking away from the three stooges in the other room. I let out a big sigh and heard footsteps come up to me.

"What's the matter?" Jack asks, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

I shrug not really knowing why but knowing that I feel sad. Before responding I look at him and hesitate before answering with "Nothing." which is probably the biggest lie at times. 

He saw right through it but didn't want to question any further. He sat down next to me and looked down at his hands that lay in his lap fidgeting about. I watch and study the pattern of his tangling patterns before looking up and seeing the Doc walk in with Max. 

I look over and feel bad for not saying anything more to him. In one ballsy move, I move a hand over and place it between both of his. He blushes and freezes before holding it with his warm palms. His fingers gently tie in around my seemingly smaller hand making us both smile. Doc snaps and we both get embarrassed but don't move our hands. My heart is beating 90 to nothing and I can't seem to really focus.

The Doctor begins to do his thing and we all begin to brace ourselves. Max sits on the otherside of Jack and pulls the attention away from me. Oh well. 

I turn my body facing forward and retract my hand. His slowly begins to reach out again for mine while he is obviously having a conversation with Max. I don't know what I should do so I let his hand float in the air like an idiot, which makes me smile. He is too flirty for his own good at times. Unknowingly, I scoff and stand up because there's just a rush about the Tardis pulling you around at times. Jack stands (or sits lmao) his ground and doesn't move nor does he look or act inattentive from his conversation with Max. What are they ever talking about anyways?

Before I could blink, my body is pulled from the brutal movements in the machine and I lose my balance a little. Out of nowhere, Jack puts his arms around me and stands with his feet like steel to the metal grate floor. Not this again.

I try to pry from his grasp, but he holds tighter and pulls me down to the seat. It isn't really that dramatic Jack you can stop. 

After the mini earthquakes cease, I stand up and fix my hair then clothes. I give Jack a smile before the Doctor starts to leisurely walk to the doors of the Police Box in blue. We give him a weird look and start following, our nerves ready to pounce at a moment's notice. He opens the doors and we are in a field. Just a field. 

Max steps out of the Tardis and looks around. 

"What lies ahead of us?" she asks with a confused tone. The Doctor follows out behind her and he breathes in the air. 

"Ahh. This is the planet Grah. Home of a forgotten race." he starts.

"Isn't that how it always goes?" Jack mutters. 

"Shut it" the Doctor retorts filled with sass. 

"What kind of beings live here?" I ask, feeling a breeze hit my skin. It gives me slight chills and it smells of water. 

"This planet used to be home to many. Especially more than it was to yours, Earth. But on Grah, the biggest species was called the Behatar. It was indescribable the way they dominated this planet. The Behatar was a powerful and of course dominate race. Here, they co-existed with another race known as the Avar. Now the Avar was not a dominate race. They were actually very weak-" he spoke before being interrupted by me

"Well then why are they relevant?" I asked giving the Timelord a confused expression. 

"Ugh. As I was trying to say, they were actually very weak but far more ahead of the Behatar's. Their intelligence gave them a boost ahead of the game. The Behatar and the Avar battled for generations. This field is probably the clearest spot. The rest is covered in debris, space material, supplies, and dead corpses. Morbid, I know. But this is the planet of Grah and all that is left. All of their natural resources have been consumed. As the Avar were creating and making, the Behatar were destroying and consuming. Sooner or later, the Behatar caught up with the Avar and an epic battle raged. All of the other species were killed off. The Keet, Malaee, and even the Vaah were destroyed because of the Behatar and the Avar."

We all stared off into the vast landscape that lay before us and take in the sights and smells. The smell of water is intriguing in a way to me and I begin to walk.

"Oi, where you going?" the Doctor asks. 

I shrug but don't stop walking. Max soon follows with Jack and the Doctor following shortly behind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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