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Kim Dawn:-Age:20-Rebellious-In her world rules don't exist-Martial arts and boxing-Assassin/Spy-Has two sisters

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Kim Dawn:
-In her world rules don't exist
-Martial arts and boxing
-Has two sisters

Kim Dawn:-Age:20-Rebellious-In her world rules don't exist-Martial arts and boxing-Assassin/Spy-Has two sisters

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Park Taeyong or TY:
-Gang Leader
-Gang name:Shadow Wolves
-Boxing and Kick Boxing
-Has two brothers

Park Taeyong or TY:-Age:22-Gang Leader-Gang name:Shadow Wolves-Boxing and Kick Boxing-Has two brothers

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Park Jeup:
-Gang Leader
-Gang name: Red Stone
-Martial arts
-Has two brothers

Kim Irene:-Age:25-Cold towards everyone just not her family-Martial arts-Assassin/Spy-Has two younger sisters

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Kim Irene:
-Cold towards everyone just not her family
-Martial arts
-Has two younger sisters

Kim Irene:-Age:25-Cold towards everyone just not her family-Martial arts-Assassin/Spy-Has two younger sisters

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Kim Yuqi:
-Friendly,nice never stops smiling
-Hacking and locating people
-Has two older sisters

Park Seunghyun or TOP:-Age:27-Gang Leader-Gang name:Shadow Wolves-Kick boxing and Boxing-Has two younger brothers

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Park Seunghyun or TOP:
-Gang Leader
-Gang name:Shadow Wolves
-Kick boxing and Boxing
-Has two younger brothers

Park Seunghyun or TOP:-Age:27-Gang Leader-Gang name:Shadow Wolves-Kick boxing and Boxing-Has two younger brothers

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Park Jungkook or JK:
-Gang leader
-Gang name:Shadow Wolves
-Boxing and Kick boxing
-Has two older brothers

There are more characters but I wont reveal them yet.

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