Chapter 1-Perverted Thug

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Dawn's Pov:
I wake up to the sun hitting me in the face,I stretch my stiff muscles and I quickly get up and run to the bathroom to have a quick shower.

"Dawn you lazy piece of shit come down and eat your breakfast"That's my older sister Irene yelling at me,our life has always been like this since our parents were murdered,but I will tell you some other time about how my family ended up like this.

"I'm coming"I say as I get changed into a short sleeve loose top with skinny black jeans and black timberland boots on and a black beanie on and I run down the stairs.

I follow the smell of the delicious food that Irene has made, I quickly sit down and stuff myself with the chocolate covered pancakes I get up after taking the last bite of my pancakes and I head for the door after washing my dishes.

"Irene I'm heading out"I quickly say so I don't have to hear a reply and so I can avoid her nagging she is always telling me not to cause any trouble,but I'm such a kind and mature person actually never mind I'm the opposite.

I walk into the street market as the smell of delicious food has got me drooling,Yeah I know what your thinking she just ate and she is still hungry,It's my stomach so all you haters back off.

So I go to one of the stalls that have been set up so you can buy refreshments and I buy chocolate and strawberry ice cream,I know your all like why ice cream in the morning you see i don't play by the rules so I don't give two shits.

"Someone help that man is stealing my purse"Some customer says as the thief with brown sweater and some track suit bottoms bumps into me knocking my ice cream right out my hands,Oh No He Didn't. I quickly kick at his leg knocking him of his feet and he falls face first and I grab him by his collars.

"You're gonna die"I yell at him as I'm still holding his collars.

"I'm sorry miss I won't steal aga.."

"You dropped my ice cream,prepare to die"I wack him in his stomach.

A woman in a long purple skirt and a purple blazer comes running towards me and the man I'm currently beating up.

"Thank you miss how can I ever repay you"She says as she lifts me of the ground and picks up her purse,the man on the floor gets up and runs I'm about to chase after him but the lady wont let me go.

"Miss I said how can I ever repay you"

"Why would you repay me"I say looking at the woman cause I have no idea what she wants.But I know what I want that man to get me another ice cream.

"Thank you for attacking the thief and getting my purse back and here's my contact if you ever need anything don't be afraid to contact me"The lady says as she hands me a business card and bows then leaves as I also bow at her.

*When in italics it's what the characters are saying in their head.*

When did I attack a thief to get someone's purse back,I was attacking him cause he made me drop my ice cream,What is going on.

I walk with my head down trying to figure out how and when did I help that woman and I decided to walk right into something or someone.(Note the sarcasm)

"What the fuck was that"I say as I shoot some nasty glares at the person that bumped into me or was it me who bumped into the person,who cares I'm blaming him.

"Watch were your going"He say's as if it was all my fault maybe it was my fault but I'm not gonna blame my self.

"No you fucking watch were your going"I say as I walk past him but all of a sudden he grabs my arm and yanks me back,this bitch.

"Let go of me you dickhead"This guy is gonna make me lose my patience.

"No"He says with his dead serious look on his face.He's holding my arm and not saying anything,what am I suppose to do in the situation besides beat the shit out of him.

"For fuck sake,I don't know you,you don't know me so there is no damn reason for you to be holding my arm,you perverted thug"I say as I yank my arm away from him and walk away from him as far as possible.

Jungkook Pov:
At this secret hideout mansion it's never been normal cause you see it's a gangs territory and I alongside my older brothers we are the leaders of this 100 member gang and their are many gangs who want to be the top dogs.

I throw a black leather jacket on and I'm planning to stay away from the mansion for a couple of hours so I head out.

"Hey,don't do anything too rash"That's my older brother TOP,TOP isn't his real name but he prefers his gang name to be used.

I shut the house door and head out to the street market,it's pretty chill out here I say before someone bumps right into me and gosh that hurt is her head made out of a rock or some at.I think I'm having a concussion,You guys are like how does one have a concussion after being hit in the chest well I work differently in other words I like over reacting.

"What the fuck was that"I look directly at the girl and say to my self did she just say that.She bumped into me and she's the one swearing.

"Watch were your going"It's not my fault that she bumped into me.This girl is taller than average about 5'6 but I'm like 5'11,I look straight ahead not down so how was I suppose to see her.

"No you watch were your going"She yells at me and I'm just looking at her like what the fuck is wrong with this girl and then she walks past me and I quickly grab her arm and I don't know why I did that.She tells me to let go of her arm but the thing is I take no orders from anyone so I say no to her.

"For fuck sake,I don't know you,you don't know me so there is no damn reason for you to be holding my arm,you perverted thug"And she just walks away after that.

"I'm not a pervert or a thug"I say as she speed walks away from me.

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