Chapter 7

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I woke up the next day to the sound of my siblings entering the room. They climbed on my bed and started jumping on it. "Come on Alexa! It's already 9!" Luca screamed as he jumped on the bed. "Okay guys. Go get ready and I'll meet you guys downstairs in 45 minutes, deal?" They both nodded and ran to get ready. I had told James we would meet him there at around 10:45 so we were quite early. I took a 15 minute shower then got ready. 20 minutes later I was downstairs eating breakfast and watching Luca and my mom argue over if he should have breakfast. "But I'm going to get ice cream right now ma" "I don't care Luca. You have to eat something first. Ice cream isn't a healthy breakfast." I guess Luca got the concept because he sat down and started eating toast. My mom always won the arguments, no matter what. I checked my phone and it was 10:15, we'll leave in about 15 minutes. I put my bowl in the sink and went to the living room. The doorbell rang just as I sat down, I groaned and got up. When I opened the door, my uncle Enrico was there.I screamed and jumped on him. He was my mom's other brother. He was only 2 years older than me. He was 21. My parents ran into the living room and saw my Uncle Enrico and looked relieved. "I thought you fell Lex" My dad said as my uncle put me down and went to go greet my mom. "I missed you Enrico. I didn't know you were coming" My mom said as she hugged him. "I wanted to suprise you guys." He said as he picked both Luca and Bella up. "Damn, you guys got big." He put them down then came toward me and put his arm around my shoulder. "And you. You're already 19, aren't you? You're old." He said as he laughed. "Hey! You're older than me." I said as I playfully pushed him. "Whatever" He said as he rolled his eyes. My phone vibrated and it was a message from James. 

"You're still coming right?" 

I checked the time and it was 10:40. 

"Yeah, of course. Sorry I got caught up at home, but I'm on my way" 

"Okay. See you soon" 

I went into the kitchen where Luca and Isabella were. "Come on guys time to go." I said as I grabbed my car keys. "Where are you going? I barely got here. " Mu uncle asked as he was eating. "I'm taking the kids to get Ice cream. We'll be back later." "Okay then. Be safe!" He yelled as we opened the door."We will!" I yelled back as e walked toward the car. I put Luca and Bella in their car seats and went to my side. I got in and drove off. The ice cream parlor was pretty empty when we got there 10 minutes later. I got Luca and Bella out and led them into the parlor. I saw James and walked over to him. He got up and gave me a hug. "Hey I was beginning to worry you wouldn't come"He said as he smiled. "I'm sorry. My uncle got there and I stayed for a while." I said as he bent down where Luca and Isabella were. "And you guys must be Luca and Isabella." He said as he shook their hands. "Nice to meet you, I'm James." He said. We went to get ice cream and then we decided to walk to a near by park. "So how have you been feeling?" He asked as he looked at me. "I feel fine. What about you? How are you?" I asked as I licked the ice cream. "Nervous, my game is tomorrow." "I'm sure you'll do fine" I said as I gave him a reassuring smile. " I was thinking you could come to my game. I mean, I heard your Uncle Thiago takes you as a lucky charm to his games, you could be my lucky charm." He looked at me with a hopeful smile. Before I said anything, he grabbed my hand and pressed his lips on mine. It was a warm felling but something didn't feel right. I pulled back. "Look James, I like you, I really do. But let's be realistic, are we ever going to see eachother after this? I will go back to California and you will be going back to Colombia. I just don't want to start something that I know will end. I'm sorry." I let go of his hand and went to go get Luca and Isabella. I found them and brought them back to the car. We drove home and I went straight to my room, ignoring my uncle's questions. 

As soon as I got to my room, I threw myself down on the bed. My uncle knocked on the door then came in. "What's wrong? Your dad wanted to come talk to you, but I told him I would." After not answering him, he looked at me. "It was a guy huh? Did he hurt you?" I sat up straight. "No, more like I hurt him. He kissed me and I mean I like him I do, but I don't want to start something that I know will end." My uncle looked at me. "You gotta take chances Lex. If it doesn't work out, then oh well,but you'll never know unless you try. Now come on, your mom is making lunch." "What time is it?" "12:35. So come on." "Yeah okay just let me change." My uncle left and I changed. As we were eating lunch, I decided I would go to James's game tomorrow and I would apologize. 

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