1.The Letter

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Kira #16820

Age: 16

D.O.O (date of origin): 1/12/2022

Height: 5ft3

Weight: 48.5kg

Eye colour: Hazel

Hair colour: Black

You have been given the choice.

Face banishment or join the sentinels.

If banishment is your decision leave through the South West exit by noon tomorrow.

If sentinels is your decision meet at the entrance to the Harding Facility at 10am sharp tomorrow morning.

Good luck.

May your decision rest in your hands.

The Circle

I read the letter about three times before I register what I have to decide. A life of banishment or a life of war. I scoff at both ideas. Everyone knows you leave the colony and you die from the harsh conditions Earth has succumbed to since the wipe-out. However everyone also knows 1 in 3 die from the sentinel trials.

I already know the decisions been made for me, join the sentinels. Nobody sane would voluntarily leave the safety of the colony. Having decided on joining the sentries I pack a bag full of essentials - clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush. I gather them into a bag and put it beside my bed, I look around the room and at the amass of beds in my hall. 24 girls share the same bedroom as me. It's weird as the 'sisters' that look after us are a year or two older than me, as I got older I noticed how strange it was to see no adults apart from Joanne and The Circle.

"Hey what did you get? I got Culinary in the York building!" Katie exclaimed bouncing over to me.

I sigh before replying the dreaded answer.

"That's great Katie. I got Sentinels" I tell her solemnly.

Her face drops and I see her forming tears in her eyes, I instantly hug her and reassure that everything's going to be fine and that after all the times I've snuck them out we've never been caught. She laughs and we reminisce on the memories of me sneaking myself, Jade and Katie out of Housing to see the meteor shower from the roof. Or when it was Jade's 13th birthday and Sister Kate made her cry so I put super glue in her hand moisturiser, the Medics had to use some special mist to unstick her hands because she squirted so much on her hands it was really difficult to get off. Jade, Katie and myself laughed so hard we had to run to the toilets to not wet ourselves.

We tell stories and trade promises of keeping in touch when we go our separate ways tomorrow morning, however I know I'll more than likely never speak to her or any of the girls from my housing again.

I struggle to find sleep as my mind constantly reels in all the information I know about Sentinels. An elite task force called Five - made up of the best 5 sentinels. Ramsey Harding, one of The Circle is the chief and the one in charge of all sentinels. 1 in 3 die during the trials. 1 in 3 die during the trials. 1 in 3 die during the trials.

I can't get out my head the fact that only 34 out of 50 survive to either die in the field or die from MK-175 at 21.

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