I'll Be Home Soon (Chapter 1)

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        I sat in my indoor green room, tending to my plants. It was a slightly warmer day outside, though the windows were still frosted with ice. The room was filled by the smells of chives and goldenseal and other herbs, without a sound but a few children playing and water running somewhere in the distance. I lounged back on my couch, closed my eyes, and stretched out like a feline before dozing to sleep. Before I could get well into my nap, there was a sound of shattered glass across the room.

        My body jolted forward, "Come out of hiding," I demanded while my hands searched around for some form of defence. There shouldn't be any threat, but it's better to be safe.

        "Show yourself," I continued, my voice cracking nervously. With shaky hands, I moved from the place I was laying and slowly searched for my sword, Pelcatol, but I couldn't find it, nor anything that could at least protect me in the least way.

        A shuffle sounded behind me. My eyes landed on a shard of a broken clay jar, so I reached for the largest piece to use in defence.

        "You will come out and reveal yourself, or I will find you. And when I do, you will wish that you had brought your face to the light earlier." I growled, circling my large green room, which was painted green and yellow. The air lay quiet now, there was no sound of children or water nor shuffling feet around me. My heart beat faster and my body stood stiff. The shard of glass was held firm by both hands, my arms raised outwards and my elbows locked in position.

        "Boo!!" A small boy hopped from behind a sack of soil and into my side. A scream tore my throat and my body tensed, causing my hands to squeeze the glass so hard that it tore my flesh. I dropped the shard and gazed at the blood for a moment.

        "You piece of dwarf dung, what did you have to scare me like that for?" I snarled as I rushed to the other side of the room and grabbed a rag off the table top. My eyes looked over my shoulder at a little Tristilion, who was standing awkwardly in the middle of the floor.

        "I'm sorry, Sarráh, it was meant to be a joke. I didn't intend on causing you to cut your hand." he admitted, playing with the ends of his dirty blonde waves.

        I sighed, "Yes, but you know how I feel about people sneaking up on me. It can be dangerous, you see, because I could hurt somebody," I looked down at my hand as I bandaged it, "or even myself."

        Tristilion sat down on a white-wood chair, "I'm sorry."

        A smile crept over my face, "It's alright, little brother." I kissed the his forehead before noticing his crown was gone, "Tristilion, where is your crown?"

        He looked at his feet with a shrug, "Well, you never wear your crown so I just thought that I didn't have to either."

        "The difference between you and I is that I'm old enough where I can bend the rules a bit; whereas you are told to wear your crown and to play inside the kingdom's gates and are expected to do as you're told. Everyone already knows that I will find a way to be comfortable, and everyone knows that my comfortable isn't what other's would consider comfortable." I explained, "Now, why did you come to me? Was there something you needed to tell me?"

        "Oh, yes, I nearly forgot." the short and slender boy leaped from the chair as he spoke, "Father wanted you to come to him, he said that it is important and that you'll like his proposition."

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        I leaned against the pillar beside my father's golden throne. In my entire life, I have never sat on that brilliant red cushion. But what does that matter when I am heir to that very throne, and one day I'll spend the rest of my life planted on that thing. All the red in the room was slightly irritating; all the walls were red, the short staircase to the throne was red, the cushions on the throne were red. But there were plenty of contrasting colors. My hand glided over the cold surface of the pure pearl pillar my body rested against. There was a gold-trimmed white pillar in each corner of the room and four that surrounded the tall, magnificent seat of my father and his father's before that. I was the first female heir in his line since the First Age.

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