Head Over Heels

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"You are so head over heals for Matt" Sandra says as we walk to math.

"Duh that's why he's me boyfriend!" I say exasperatedly, rolling my eyes and putting a stupid smile on my face. Just how many dumb things could come out of this girls mouth! And people call ME a dumb blond!

"Don't give me that look, Casey."

Sighing I turned away from her. Sandra was my best friend. She had brunette hair that reached her waist, emerald eyes that almost every guy got lost into and an amazing taste for fashion.

Me? I was a "dumb" blond like everyone says, even though I achieved 80-90% in every subject. I have blue eyes, that no one looks into because their "depressing" and really pale skin.

I almost immediately look over at Sandra and see her expensive fall dress and high heels attracting every male eye in the hall way as she strides past them all smiling.

Sandra glanced back at me and stopped so fast I almost bumped into her.

"I see what you're doing Casey and stop it. I'm not any better then you! Stop comparing us! I've had to tell you that at least 5 times today!" Sandra snapped.

"You know I can't help it! You're so pretty and elegant!" I said trying not to yell at her.

"Casey, we are in the same class zone! Stop lowering your self esteem! We are practically sisters! We share clothes, we are just as popular as the cheer leaders and we look so much alike besides out hair and eye colour! We're almost the same person!" She huffed out before stomping away to math I assume.

Before I could even react there was Matt watching me. Oh god, now he's gonna think I was fishing for compliments!

As he came over I looked at the ground. Even after him seeing 1 year of fighting about my appearance with Sandra, I still hated him seeing it. I always felt like the compliment he gave me before kissing me felt forced.

Yet still I was Head Over Heals for him.









So how was this first chapter? I dunno if it was very good. I really dunno how to feel....

Feed back is always appreciated!

Comment/vote please!

~ 1amy__

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