I Love This Feeling

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I looked over on my bed to see all the shopping bags Sandra and I had gotten piled on top of it. I have to sort through it all by myself too. Ughhh! If only Sandra didn't have to go to pick up her little brother.

Sighing, I start to unpack all the clothes we got and put them in my closet. Thankfully Sandra had helped me take out all my summer clothes before leaving.

Just as I put around half the stuff we got away, my phone beeps. I glance at the cracked screen, and squeal. It's Matt!

Even though we've been dating for over a year now I still get excited when he texts or calls me.

❤️Matt: hey darling, u busy?

Me: no not really, just putting some clothes away.

❤️Matt: do you want to the park? I packed a picnic.

He's so sweet! Sandra and I decided not to have the food courts gross and unhealthy food so I was starving.

Me: of course! I'll meet you there in 5.

❤️Matt: okay see you soon, beautiful.

I blush at his last text but hurry down stairs, and yell to my parents I'm going out. I practically run to the park to try and beat him there, but when I do get there he's already set up and everything.

"How did you get here so fast?!"

"I have a car remember?" He smirks.

Oh yeah. I remember now. He probably texted me when he was about the leave.

I sigh looking down. I wish I had a car, but I'm not 16 yet. Just one more year Casey.

"Come here. You don't have to feel bad about not having a car. It's not like you failed the test 3 times." Matt says giving me a dorky grin.

I giggle at that. I knew he failed it once but not 3 times!

"So what did you pack?" I ask curiously. I've never been on a picnic before so I don't know what foods are "picnic foods"

He just grins and unpacks what seems like a whole fridge worth of food. Pineapples, carrots, orange juice, water bottles, bread, butter, turkey, ham, basically anything and everything you would keep on a fridge.

"Did I go a little over board?" he asks while looking concerned.

"No you brought everything I love" I laugh and start eating an orange.

I lean back into Matts chest and sigh.

I Love This Feeling.










This chapters kinda short but whatever. I needed to show Casey and Matts relationship before the drama starts.

Feedback is always appreciated!



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